The Richmond Hill Middle School girls’ and boys’ golf teams both recently captured the Coastal Empire Region championships.
This marks the first ever title for the girls and second consecutive — third overall — for the boys.
“I was very proud of the way the golfers maintained a great work ethic and continued to improve throughout the season,” Coach Randall Boone said. “We have over 20 golfers on the team, and I think the younger golfers learned a lot from the eighth graders, just by watching how passionate they were about showing up for each and every practice and match with the desire to improve their game.”
The travel squad for the girls consisted of Samantha Lehr, Sofia Raye, Chloe Morton and Laikyn Pangilian. Lehr won the low medalist for the girls division with a score of 47, while Raye shot a 50.
The boys’ travel squad consisted of KJ Thomas, Samuel Reynolds, Jake Jones, Owen Magness, Kole Johnston, Owen Markgraf and Hayden Davis. Thomas led the Wildcats with a 43, followed by Reynolds and Jones at 44 while Magness shot a 47.
“We have a good group of young golfers coming back next year who already show the passion it takes to become a great golfer,” Boone said.
So far this school year, RHMS has captured region titles in girls’ soccer, baseball, swimming and volleyball, while the boys’ cross country team won the state title.