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What’s Cooking in Bryan County: Looking ahead to the Fourth of July with apple pie
libby hires
Libby Hires

Libby Hires, Contributor.

Next Thursday we will all celebrate another birthday for America.

Cookouts and picnics will be held. Fireworks will be lit (and some people, too) and… people will forget why we celebrate the holiday. It’s the day our forefathers said, “No more!” and won.

Can you imagine living in a country where people are told how they can worship including the god that must be their god? There are countries like that.

Can you imagine living in a place where there is so much oppression there is no way to increase your finances, your education, your worth as a person? Think of living in a place so destitute and crime ridden, but you must walk for miles for clean water, hoping you can make it back home before you are murdered, kidnapped, etc. Now, suppose you live in a country that if you took a knee when the national anthem was played, or you disrespected the flag as it was flown… that you were imprisoned or shot. These places are real. It could be us, but for the grace of God and the forefathers that were willing to fight for everything that was honorable for a country. God bless our military that continue to fight even though we still have those that take a knee instead of taking a stand.

When you take a knee…when you take a stand…be informed. Know what you are standing for or protesting. By protesting, I do not mean vandalism. Be educated because you not only have that freedom, but you also have that responsibility to yourself. Most people associate education with what you receive in a building dedicated to such. No. It’s being mindful of everything that is going on around you and the world. You must KNOW both sides of everything and maybe do a little digging into the evolution of an idea or process. THAT is the difference between having an opinion and an educated opinion. To convince someone that your thoughts are right, your opinion has to have some substance to it. That is the difference between broth and gravy. (See what I did there, I did make it a cooking column.) Consider your childhood.

Don’t you remember being exasperated when asking, “Why” only to be given the response, “Because I said so!” Well, yes, even some countries follow that policy as well.

This week, while you celebrate the 4th of July, do it mindfully. Faith, freedom, family, food ~ and of course, fireworks.

Be safe out there! Thank you again, to our military and our first responders for allowing us to be able to continue our festive traditions. God Bless America!

(and what is America without Apple Pie?)

Easy Apple Pie 2 pre-made flat refrigerated pie crusts (or make your own), softened

8 med-large granny smith or gala (or mixture of each) apples

¾ cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour ¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 tablespoon lemon juice Caramel Sauce (Ice cream topping in squeeze bottle) (Optional) Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (Optional) Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place one of the pie crusts in a 9-inch oven safe glass pie dish. Press dough against the bottom and sides of dish. Peel and thinly slice the apples. Mix together the sugar, flour, and spices in a large bowl. Add the apples and lemon juice. Toss the mixture well until the apples are well coated. Pour into pie crust in pie plate. Top with remaining crust.

Using fingers, seal both crusts together and then create an edge (flute) along the pie plate. Make a few slits in top crust for venting. Cover edges with foil or crust saver. Place on a rimmed cookie sheet and insert into oven. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil. Return to oven and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes until golden and filling is bubbling.

Drizzle lightly with caramel. Allow pie to cool for at least 1 hour before slicing.

Serve pie slices with a scoop of ice cream and additional caramel sauce.

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