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Walking in darkness
pastor corner

Last week, because of the tropical storm, like so many others, we lost power for a couple of days. When it was dark we depended on flashlights, candles, cell phone lights, and lanterns. There were times that I ventured into a room reaching around to turn on the light switch out of habit and kind of stumbled around in this darkness. It is amazing how lost a person can feel trying to navigate without light.

There are people who are walking around in spiritual darkness. Jesus said in John 8:12 that mankind doesn’t have to remain in this spiritual darkness. He says, “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”. To walk in spiritual darkness means that a person lives in a sinful lifestyle and engages in actions that God hates. To follow Jesus means that He gives you a light to follow that leads to changed actions and a lifestyle that pleases God.

The good news is that our electricity was restored, and all of our lights now work.

We no longer have to worry about running into stuff or stumbling around in the darkness. We no longer have to find emergency lighting.

Better news is that anyone walking in spiritual darkness can change direction and we all have been invited to follow the light given by Jesus. Our sinful lives can be restored into lights that can help lead others out of darkness.

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