Editor, My beautiful neighborhood, Richmond Hill Village, has carried the slang term the “bottom” way past its time.
The name has been used many, many years, supposedly a term attributed to Henry Ford in directing his employees. I, personally, have a hard time believing this type of language was part of Mr. Ford’s repertoire. It’s only hearsay and nothing more. The “bottom” name is not cute or funny anymore with the older Henry Ford generation gone and new families moving into our neighborhood. With the increased criminal activity plaguing neighborhoods these days, I speak for myself and neighbors: We are tired of the slang term the “bottom” being used to reference our neighborhood.
According to the Urban Dictionary, “the bottom” area is riddled with criminal activity to include drugs, with frequent police activity. The only appearance of drug activity occurs within the recreation complex now owned by the city and county. And the city and county wasted no time in erecting a new sign touting their ownership and referring to the complex as “The Bottom.”
Come on city, county and historical society: Get rid of your negative markers and get it right. It’s Richmond Hill Village, and the recreation complex deserves a more honorable name, and I nominate The Doug Ellis Complex.
Thanking all involved in advance for your attention.
— Dianne Rutland, Richmond Hill
Stop referring to Richmond Hill Village as The Bottom
Letter to the editor
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