I was attending a work-related training yesterday and the ice breaker question for the day was, “If you could start the week over, what would you do different?”
Wow. That’s a very interesting question. To my surprise, I had a hard time coming up with a genuine answer.
The week was actually going pretty good, I guess. Maybe if the question included starting the year over I would have had enough material to write a book - “Let’s see, where should I start…?”
But this week was going OK. What was not surprising is many of the answers from the other attendees included getting more sleep. We have a real sleep deprivation problem in our world today.
Not me though - I just fall asleep wherever I am and almost in any situation. Heck, I fell asleep during the training. Now I can tell you that is embarrassing. I tried to pass it off as a long stretch, but there’s no denying the fact that when your head tilts backwards and your mouth falls open – pretty much everyone in the room knows you just checked out.
I really think the blame for this happening should fall squarely on the shoulders of the trainer. You can’t put me in a room, talk to me for three hours, then feed me - and if that weren’t enough - turn down the lights and make me watch a 20-minute video.
That’s a complete recipe for Nyquil. Might as well just hand me a blanket and a pillow for good measure.
In all fairness to the trainer, she was really nice and the material she presented was actually interesting and helpful. Now that I’ve said that, maybe I do need to get more sleep?
A few weeks back, I was the master of ceremony for a fundraising event at Georgia Southern University. I was honored, as this was the third time I have been invited to be a part of this philanthropic function. I never fell asleep during the event, but there’s always time as they have invited me back next year.
Anyway, the night is fun and a bunch of money is raised for breast cancer awareness and education through the Zeta Tau Alpha fraternity - to which all three of the women in my life have a direct link. And now so do I.
The event raises money by hosting a male beauty pageant of sorts titled, “Big Man On Campus,” or BMOC for short. It’s a weeklong process culminating in a night of pageantry of the strangest kind, but I have to admit it is a lot of fun.
During the pageant, the young men gunning for BMOCare asked a question as part of the contest. Each contestant is then given a score for his answer by a panel of judges.
One of the questions went like this: “If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you choose to be?”
I was flattered when at first the young man said he would like to be me - but everyone knew he was joking, except maybe me, and then he gave the best answer he could have ever given. He said, “I don’t want to be anyone else but me. I like being me.”
Wow! We should all like being who we are. Now go get some sleep my friends, for tomorrow is another day!
Email Rich at SeniorMomentsWithRich@gmail.com.