The other day I was traveling through the central part of Georgia and noticed a church sign at a particular intersection. I could barely make out what it said because it was so rusty, but it soon became apparent that it was a church sign. I presume it was put there many years ago but because of the elements and time it was in bad shape. To me it was a bad reflection on the church. My conclusion was that the church was dying or had closed and had lost any influence it once may have had.
Our personal witness can get rusty as well, so that instead of our lights shining brightly for the Lord they can become dull and ineffective. Ephesians 5:8 tells us to “Live as children of light”. When we don’t walk in the Christian life the way we are supposed to, then it becomes a bad reflection on Jesus.
We need to remember that we as Christians are a reflection of the light of Jesus. So the closer we walk with Him the more the reflection, but the farther away we drift from Him the less the reflection. So, the key is to keep in a close relationship and fellowship with the one who is described as “the light of the World”, Jesus Christ.