We can read through the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, known as the gospels, and see recorded miracle after miracle. These miracles were performed predominantly by Jesus Christ Himself.
Most of these miracles were physical healings, but were not limited to this, and ranged from blindness being restored to the lame being able to walk. Luke 7:22 reveals some of these miracles when Jesus responded to a question of whether or not He was the Messiah. It reads like this: “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor”. Jesus also cast out demons, delivered those who were in bondage and offered hope to the hopeless.
Something that came to me a few years ago is this truth: only those who have problems are eligible for a miracle.
There are still those who have physical problems, and there are those who have financial needs. There are those who are experiencing relational issues and those that are under some type of bondage or addiction. The truth is that Jesus has the power to meet needs that look like impossible situations.
The greatest problem is what the Bible calls sin. The scripture reveals that we are all born into this world with this sin problem, and it takes a miracle in order for us to receive forgiveness and the ability to be in a right relationship with a Holy God. Jesus came as a sacrifice for the sins of the world so that anyone who will trust in Him will receive this miracle of forgiveness.
So, are you eligible for a miracle from God today?