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Mayoral candidate: Direction matters
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Dear Editor:


To Richmond Hill residents:

Actions speak louder than words and I believe the actions of your city government have shown to be very positive and beneficial. We have kept taxes low, maintained a safe community that people are proud of. Finanancily we are sound and our future looks very good. We have been and still the preferred community in the area. We have worked very hard to insure growth is managed and in compliance with our long term work plan. We have received many awards and have been given many compliments from outside sources on our visions and accomplishments.

We have not always made developers and builders happy but decisions were made based on information given and with the citizens of Richmond Hill first and foremost in mind.

Past elections had the naysayers saying how bad it was going to be if things continued as they were. How we were doing all the things wrong and that taxes were going to go up. Well here we are 4 years later and in great shape and taxes have gone down for each of the 4 years. And if at all possible we plan on continuing in this direction. Do we have more work? Absolutley. But direction is what matters. Do some things need a course correction? You bet. But we don’t need to do a 180 degree turn. That’s being done on the federal level enough. Let’s stay focused, stay on track. You have a voice and the voice of your councilperson. When there are issues and you need to be heard, pack the house. Don’t let a few that have an agenda or personnel interest at stake talk for you.

Hard work and dedication has gotten us here. I never had a wood shed nor have I learned anything from one. But a 20 year military career, 4 year business degree, owning a business here,12 years with a great council and living in this comunity as long as I have I haved learned what it takes. You are a great community and don’t let anyone tell you different. Your city government is responsible is caring and does listen. Get to know them, call, e-mail, we are here for you and we understand that.


Floyd Hilliard, Hilliard is Richmond Hill mayor pro tem and a candidate for mayor.

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