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Letter to the editor: We should all be concerned about national debt

Dear Editor:

As a new reader, I am writing to commend you for the June 20th piece by Lee Hamilton “A big (and growing) issue no one’s addressing this election year”.

Amid all the noise and polarizing arguments we hear daily in this year’s election campaigns, little attention is given to the glaring issue Hamilton discusses: our exploding national debt. Regardless of your political leanings, all households and consumers understand very personally the concept that you can’t spend more than you earn - for long.

Hamilton talks about facing “the challenge(s) like adults”. In 1992 our debt was 46% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and today is 96%. It is projected to reach 166% over 30 years. That would translate today (feebly) to a family earning $150,000 to shouldering $150,000, probably largely in credit card debt. Where is the economic, psychological and yes, spiritual strength in that? If we are concerned about strong families and family values, few issues are less central to our society. We are now paying more in interest on debt than national defense.

Social Security and Medicare total 60% of our budget. We need the courage and honesty to review all our spending.

Lee is correct in urging us to face this as adults who need to get our house in order for ourselves, our children and grandchildren.

Rose Johnson, Richmond Hill, Ga.

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