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Letter to the editor: Name Talmadge Bridge for Thomas


I want the Talmadge Bridge named for Clarence Thomas. He represents everything great about America. A life based on merit vs equity for all.

Poorly informed people equate him with someone that should be admired for his resilience during trying times.

His name was Josiah Henson, a slave that prospered under harsh circumstances and would become famous as Uncle Tom.

But the passage of time has relegated him to a sentence of little recognition sadly and misrepresented his accomplishments. He was a good man just as Justice Clarence Thomas is a great man that should be looked up to and admired for his self reliance and independence.

God will bless him and we should look to him as an example of hard work and dedication that is needed to define his character not the color of his skin as stated by another famous American that didn’t require a hyphen. Martin Luther King.

Ed Edwards, Ellabell

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