There will always be differences of opinions and beliefs. There will always be something that divides us.
Mark 3:25 says,” A house divided against itself cannot stand.” What about a city? If we as adults keep building walls of division, our children will experience even greater division.
But what if we stop focusing on the things that divide us and come together for something that we have in common? From suicide, drugs, abuse and bullying, it breaks my heart what the young people go through.
I’m inviting all leaders of the community and anyone who has a heart for the youth here in Bryan County to a prayer event on July 14th at 6:30 p.m. at The Waterfront Church.
This is a non-political and non-denominational event.
I believe that as we come together as a community and appeal to the God of heaven, I believe He will hear our prayers and release healing for our young people and our community.
For more information go to
Rebecca Ricker, Richmond Hill