As a general principle, people fit into one of two categories as pertaining to how they approach life. You are either someone who is thankful or you are one who is a complainer.
You are either full of gratitude for what you have or you think you have been dealt an unfair hand in life. As a general principle, our attitude determines our altitude. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 commands us to “Give thanks in all circumstances”. I like how a paraphrase of the scripture puts it: “No matter what happens, always be thankful”. I do believe in every circumstance there is always a reason to give thanks.
Did you notice I didn’t say, for every circumstance but in every circumstance? When things are going well and we are blessed, then it is easy to give thanks, but the truth is, things don’t always go well. Let me give you a couple of examples: you have a flat tire and you find many reasons to be thankful, like having a spare tire or you have AAA, or you have the money to get a new one. In an extreme example: someone who is close to you dies from an illness who is a believer, you can be thankful that they are in heaven and thankful for a God you serve and so many friends who are there to comfort you. If you are looking for them, then there are always reasons to give thanks.
If you are a believer in Jesus then you can be thankful for peace and the promise of eternal life. Even an unbeliever can be thankful to know that there is a God who loves them and is patiently waiting for them to open up their lives for Him to come in.