Several months ago, I realized that there was a phrase I was using that just wasn't the right thing to say. I caught myself saying, "I've got to do this or that". I should have been saying, "I get to do this or that". I was living as if life was a chore instead of a privilege. Through this conviction I now make a sincere commitment to saying and thinking the right way.
There is a key reason why I can get up each day with this attitude. David, in Psalms 118:24, said it best encouraging us with these words: "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." God has a plan for me this day that will be for my ultimate good and that will end up bringing Him honor and praise. We just need to be open to that plan and to be obedient in fulfilling that plan.
So, each morning as you wake up, before your feet hit the floor, thank the Lord for the privilege of being able to live out a new day for His praise.