The other day I was looking at a picture given to my son by an elderly gentleman a few years ago. He was part of the church where I pastored in upstate South Carolina during the time my son was a child.
When my son went to college near there he would drop by and visit some of the older folks once in a while. It was during one of these visits that this old picture brought back from Germany during WWII was given him. It brought back memories of this gentleman, plus so many others, that I knew loved me and my family with an unconditional love. The last time I talked with him on the phone, he ended the conversation with these words, “you know I love you pastor Steve”. I knew he meant it because he not only spoke it but showed it through his actions.
There is a wonderful feeling that comes over us when we know others love us. In the world in which we live there is a lot of hateful things being said and actions that are shown that are not loving. Especially in the faith, as Christians, we ought to be known as loving people. Scripture actually says that others will know that we are Christians by our love for one another. It is true that we should always hate sin and wrong actions but we must always follow the example of Jesus in loving the person. When a person becomes a follower of Jesus, God’s love actually flows in and then through us.
When others are around us, do they know that we love them? Are we causing others to feel good knowing that they are loved?