There is a story in scripture about Moses being a bad example before the children of Israel. In Numbers 20, the people were in the desert and had no water. After they complained, God told Moses to speak to a particular rock and then water would gush from it and would supply the need. Instead, out of anger towards the people’s complaining, Moses struck the rock with a rod instead of speaking to it as God had instructed.
God expected Moses to represent Him well before the eyes of those watching, but he ended up being a poor example.
The truth of the matter is that people are watching us as well. If you profess to being a follower of Jesus, can others actually see that Jesus is working in your life? You may have children who are watching or an unsaved spouse or friends or neighbors or people you work with or other kids at school. Are those around you seeing Jesus Christ living through you? Someone once said it this way, “If Christianity became a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
In Philippians 2:15 the writer says that we as Christians can “shine among them (unsaved people) like stars in the sky”. We are God’s plan to share the good news of Jesus Christ to those who need forgiveness and the hope of eternal life. May God help us to be faithful in what He has called us to do.