Ellabell resident Gerald Salter, 18, was reportedly taken to Memorial Medical Health University Center with head injuries after his pickup rolled Wednesday afternoon on Hwy. 119 about a mile from Bryan County High School.
According to Memorial Medical on Thursday, Salter’s condition is fair.
Mike Matthews, one of three passengers in the pickup, was treated and released by Bryan County EMS. He said they were traveling north past Bryan County High School and rounding the curve when they saw a car stopped to make a left. The driver swerved to miss the car and the pickup rolled, Matthews said.
According to Collins, the pickup went over onto the shoulder of the road, and, when he tried to bring it back onto the road, the truck flipped. There was a car ahead turning, but it was far enough ahead that it wasn't a factor in the accident, he said.
Collins said he called the hospital to check on the teen’s condition, "but the nurse was snappy and would not release any information. I know it was a head injury of some sort, but have no idea the extent of the injury.”
The injured teen’s mother contacted Bryan County News Thursday morning and said "his condition is as well as can be expected with his injuries.”