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Richmond Hill students visit Washington D.C. as part of Young Republicans Club
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The RHHS Young Republicans group inside the White House in front of a portrait of President Ronald Reagan. (Photos provided by Russ Carpenter).

In March, Richmond Hill High School’s extracurricular group, the Young Republicans Club, made their annual excursion trip to the nation’s capital. 12 students, from freshmen to seniors, were able to make the trip and visit some iconic sights as part of their learning.

According to Russ Carpenter, U.S. Government teacher and club advisor, highlights of the trip included a tour of the White House (facilitated by local representative Buddy Carter’s office), and seeing the U.S. Senate in session at the Capitol during a presidential appointment hearing. 

“This was my second time going to D.C. with the club and both times were phenomenal,” said Raymond Morgan, junior at Richmond Hill High School. Watching the senators vote takes the cake for me this year; it was a very unique experience and opportunity that I am very grateful for.”

Other parts of the tour included Arlington National Cemetery, various Smithsonian Museums, the National Archives Museum, and the People’s House–a White House museum which holds a replica of the Oval Office.

“It was an absolute blast,” said Ryder Gerrald, junior at Richmond Hill High School. “We went everywhere from the White House, to the Air and Space museum, to all the Monuments, to even the National Archives. It was all so cool and I cannot wait for next year!”

Carpenter says that he and his group are looking forward to next year’s spring trip, which is planned for Philadelphia in time for the 250th anniversary of the United States. 

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Arlington National Cementery.
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The Lincoln Memorial.
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