Where is OWL in this local photo?
A new photo of OWL visiting our community will be shown each month. ONE prize winner will be randomly drawn from all CORRECT answers. Please submit your answer (one guess per person, first one submitted counts) by emailing ContestRHFOL@gmail.com or visiting the library at its temporary location and filling out a contest form. Prize must be picked up at the local library and your picture will be taken for publication.
All prizes must be picked up within two weeks. Please include your contact information – name, email and phone number.
WINNERS for FEBRUARY 2023 are Akeylah Jones and Alexis Gibbons.
What do you want to see in your library?
By Friends of the Richmond Hill Library
On Ford Avenue, between the mini mall with the Dollar Store and just before you pass the fish hatchery, our Richmond Hill Library stands a hollow shell. Gone are the shelves full of books, desks and chairs for study times, computers for research. Except for the few books shelved at the Lions Club location, all other volumes are languishing in storage. But this “hollow shell” is a sight full of expectation. What materials, programs and resources will make this restored shell a “modern” library reflective of the interests and needs of the community??
Recently the New York Times sent out photographers to seven states to “document the thrum and buzz” in today’s libraries. They found libraries full of programs that brought together people and books and fulfilled the needs of their communities.
From these facilities came “sounds” – parents and librarians reading aloud to children, teenagers practicing music, old folks listening to an equally old guitarist.
There were no no “shhs” and hushed footsteps, there was “welcoming furniture that went beyond the usual tables and chairs” and pint-sized benches, stools and chairs in interesting shapes and colors for children, and sturdy and comfy arm chairs that welcomed a lengthy time for reading.
There were “activities that related to the community, project workshops for plumbing, tiling, bicycle repair and gardening,and “resources for the visually impaired” such as Talking Books, Braille resources and E-books.
There were “corralls“ for study, homework and opportunities to work together on projects, and electronic equipment” and classes in how to use them. There was“tool lending” a place to borrow hedge clippers, cordless drills, shovels, and staple guns, and, of course, all manner of written materials The varied activities and resources of these libraries reflected the interests of their community.
What types of books, materials, programs, and resources would you like to see in our Richmond Hill Library? How might the community become involved in shaping our modern library? Respond with your suggestions to contactrhfol@gmail.com Remaining March Programs March 16 - 10;30 a.m.- Book Club Meets to discuss The Curious Charms of ArthurPepper by Phaedra Patrick -Come be a part of the group.
March 28 – 10:30 a.m. Story Time with Miss Karen