The Downtown Development Authority of Richmond Hill announced the installation of new gateway, wayfinding and street name signs. The signs were being installed today and should be completed in a few days.
“The Downtown Development Authority is pleased to highlight all of the attractions in Richmond Hill with these wayfinding and street name signs. These will be a great addition to the city and the downtown district which was lacking in directional signage. The DDA was pleased to partner with the City on this project and lead the design process,” says DDA Chair Georgene Brazer.
Sixteen wayfinding signs will be placed at major intersections directing visitors and residents to key destinations in the city. Fifteen street name and stop signs will be upgraded in the Ford Overlay District between the intersection of Highways 144 and 17 to Parker’s at Timber Trail.
The gateway welcome signs on Highway 17 at the boundaries of the city have been removed and new signs will be installed at the same time as the wayfinding and street name signs. These signs will help create a sense of place for the downtown area of the city and are part of the Downtown Development Authority of Richmond Hill’s work plan.
Image Manufacturing Group from Norcross, GA, manufactured and installed the signs after a qualification and bidding process completed in 2018. The signs include the stylized “R” from the City of Richmond Hill logo and continue the Ford era black and white color scheme.