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Richmond Hill City Council round-up
Mayor Carpenter with Ben Hartley, James Key, and Caden Whittaker., three newly-promoted Eagle Scouts from the Richmond Hill area. Photos by Molly Hall.

Richmond Hill’s February City Council meeting started with an official proclamation from Mayor Carpenter recognizing Black History Month, followed by some special awards for past Bryan County Development Authority leaders Anna Chafin and Justin Farquhar, the promotion of three new Eagle Scouts, and the swearing-in of Councilmember Kristi Cox as Mayor Pro-Tem.

Black History Month Proclamation

In honor of Black History Month, Mayor Russ Carpenter read out an official proclamation recognizing February as Black History Month in the City of Richmond Hill, joined by members of the Bryan County NAACP.

“Now, therefore, I, Mayor Carpenter, hereby proclaim February 2024 as Black History Month in the city of Richmond Hill and urge all citizens to celebrate our diverse heritage and culture and continue our efforts to create a world that is more peaceful and prosperous for all,” Carpenter said.

Anna Chafin and Justin Farquhar named Friends of the City 

Two ‘Friends of the City’ awards were given to Anna Chafin and Justin Farquhar, the current President/CEO and Vice President of Workforce for the Savannah Economic Development Authority, respectively.

Chafin and Farquhar were recognized for their work with Richmond Hill, specifically with the Development Authority of Bryan County. Chafin served as the former Chief Executive Officer of the Development Authority of Bryan County from 2013 to 2023, and Justin Farquhar served as the former Senior Vice President of the Development Authority of Bryan County.

The awards ‘recognize and show appreciation to those who have made exemplary contributions to [the Richmond Hill] community and to increase awareness of the importance of community involvement in the Greater Richmond Hill area’, according to Mayor Russ Carpenter’s proclamation.

Local Eagle Scouts recognition: Boy Scouts of America 

Mayor Russ Carpenter recognized three Richmond Hill-area Boy Scouts as new Eagle Scouts: Ben Hartley, James Key, and Caden Whittaker.

“Therefore, I, Russ Carpenter, the Mayor of Richmond Hill, do tender this proclamation and recognition for successfully achieving the rank of Eagle Scout,” Carpenter said.

Councilmember Cox sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem 

Councilmember Kristi Cox was sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tempore for this year’s City Council legislative session.

kristi cox
Councilmember Kristi Cox being sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem for this year’s legislative session.
black history
Mayor Russ Carpenter and two members of the Bryan County NAACP during the proclamation of February as Black History Month in the City of Richmond Hill.
friends of the city
Anna Chafin and Justin Farquhar receiving ‘Friends of the City’ awards. See more photos on page 3. Photos provided by Molly Hall.
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