By Gloria Shearin, Special to the News
The Richmond Hill Garden Club’s 21st Annual Pumpkin Patch is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 7, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Pavilion at J. F. Gregory Park.
Ten games plus face painting will be available. Giant mums and five chairs to hold those mums, pumpkins of all sizes (especially small ones for kids), baked goods, décor, hay bales, and cornstalks are available for purchase.
The Pumpkin fairy with her magic wand and candy will be there greeting everyone.
Décor items (wreaths, signs, scarecrows, baskets, centerpieces) are large and small, many hand-crafted by club members, and all perfect for indoor and outdoor decorations.
The Pumpkin Patch is the garden club’s main fundraiser. Proceeds allow the club to complete a variety of projects that support the community, including a $1,000 scholarship for a RHHS senior, landscaping at the garden club plot in Henderson Park, support of the STEM and Agriculture programs at Frances Meeks Elementary, YOM awards throughout the year, and donations to local charities.
The RH Garden Club maintains a Facebook Group--Richmond Hill (Georgia) Garden Club Group—that allows those in the community to share their gardening successes and failures and ask questions about gardening.
The garden club welcomes new members of all ages and gardening interests. Message the club if you have questions. Membership information will be available at Pumpkin Patch.
Admission to the Pumpkin Patch is free.
Game tickets are $1 each and are purchased at the event. Cash or credit cards accepted.
No checks. Please come join the club’s festivities at the 21st Pumpkin Patch.