Bryan County Sheriff's Department:
March 8 - A deputy at the Parker’s on Hwy. 17 in Richmond Hill noticed someone buying cigarettes was unsteady on his feet, with bloodshot eyes and a flushed appearance. It was also noted he smelled of alcohol. The deputy followed him outside where he got into a car and drove off. Following in his patrol car, the deputy saw the guy cross the center and fog lines several times, so pulled the car over. The guy admitted to having two drinks, failed the field sobriety tests and registered .174 and .172 on the breath tests.
March 8 - A Richmond Hill resident reported an unknown transaction of about $225 from her checking account for a French Internet dating site. Her bank told her to file a report for further investigation.
March 8 - A deputy was writing a ticket on the side of the road in Richmond Hill when a car passed in the slow lane, not honoring the state’s move-over law although no other traffic was near. The deputy followed the car and pulled it over. The deputy noted that the driver’s eyes were glassy and bloodshot, a strong odor of alcohol was coming from the driver and she was wearing only stretch pants and a bra, with no shoes. The driver was reported as slightly unsteady on her feet and admitted to having three or four shots (of alcohol) before leaving work. When asked where her shirt was, she replied she didn’t have one and her shoes had been high heels that hurt her feet. She failed the field sobriety test, and when told she was being arrested put her hands in front of her face and said several times "I beg you not to do this," then dropped to her knees and continued to beg. When the deputy tried to take her wrist to cuff her, she turned and ran down the highway. He tried to grab her shoulder, but was only able to get the bra strap which broke causing her bra to come off. She kept running, but the deputy was finally able to tackle her in the ditch. She continued to resist, but he was finally able to restrain her without
injury. The deputy asked one of the passengers in the driver’s car to get a shirt for her, but only a vest that didn’t cover anything was found. The driver was put in the back of the patrol car until another deputy came to take custody. The driver was arrested for DUI refusal, suspended license, and violation of the move over law. The deputy reported he would obtain a warrant for misdemeanor obstruction of a law enforcement officer.
March 8 - An Ellabell resident in the Deer Run Lane area reported a vehicle stolen from the yard. The owner said she’d come home from the store around 11 p.m. and brought groceries into the house, leaving the car unlocked and keys in the ignition. She discovered it missing when her son came home an hour later and asked where her car was. The deputy reported a lookout was issued with surrounding counties for the vehicle.
March 8 - A deputy was sent to a Richmond Hill home regarding a verbal argument in progress. The man and woman told the deputy they were still arguing over something that happened the night before. The woman said the man was intoxicated, got mad and punched a hole in the wall and broke a chair, then grabbed her by her hair and started cursing her and calling her names. The woman said she called her mother to come get here to avoid more arguing. The man stated he didn’t touch the woman and the damage to the home happened a long time ago. The deputy noted the woman didn’t have any marks on her that showed signs of physical contact. The man said he would leave the residence and the woman said she would pack his clothes and take them to his mothers.
March 6 - A Richmond Hill resident reported items removed from his home by a former tenant who still had a key. Said to be missing were a TV, DVD/VCR player and a brown jacket with a total estimated value of $270. The TV belonged to the former tenant, but was being held by the homeowner until past due rent was paid. The deputy found the former tenant, who said he only took his personal property, the TV, had not taken the DVD/VCR and said he borrowed the brown jacket a couple months ago and gave it and the key to the deputy to return to the owner. The deputy was given permission to look through the residence, but did not find the DVD/VCR. The deputy returned the jacket and key to the owner and told him that the guy denied stealing anything, and said he had borrowed the jacket, to which the owner replied, "oh, okay." The deputy also told the owner that the DVD/VCR was not found, and the owner said he would look again, but was sure it wasn’t there.
From incident reports on file at BCSD.