The American Legion Post 27 of Richmond Hill welcomed some of its newest members with an initiation ceremony.
“The ceremony is a reminder to new legionnaires that with the benefits of membership come obligations as well,” said Commander Dan Awtrey. “The members benefit from national discounts many businesses provide to legionnaires, our service officer network to help them file for benefits, the opportunity to give back to our community, and more importantly the camaraderie of fellow veterans. But with these benefits come obligations to the Four Pillars of The American Legion of Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and last but particularly not least in Richmond Hill, Children and Youth.”
During the ceremony new members pledge to support the four pillars of the legion as stated in the preamble to the Post constitution and turn that pledge into deeds in the future. The three members initiated are Adam Langley, Daryl Rejas, and Sally Rejas.
Sally Rejas commented “I’m honored to continue my service through the community. This is an amazing way to stay connected and involved with my fellow service members.” Adam Langley added “For me it was the networking again and being able to help my community thrive and those in need to get the help they need.” Retired soldier Daryl Rejas spoke of continued service. “Joining the American Legion is a way to continue to serve and give back to the community,” he said. “I hope to continue to learn from those who came before me and to assist Post 27 integrate with and benefit the community.”
Commander Awtrey added, “These new members will be a great benefit to our community, state, and nation as they add to the 25 year legacy of Post 27’s service to Richmond Hill.”