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Post 27 remembers deceased veterans at Oak Hill Cemetery
post 27 cemetery
(L-R) Sgt. at Arms Mike Duncan, Mark Greeley, Larry McGowan, Commander Dan Awtrey, Chaplain Mike Matuzsan (front), Adjutant Terance Herzog (back), Vince Matuzsan. (Photo/ Andrea Gutierrez)

Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start to the summer vacation season, but many veterans in Richmond Hill remember the true meaning of the holiday.

Every Memorial Day weekend, veterans from American Legion JE Lanier Post 27 come to Oak Hill Cemetery to honor the men and women who served in the Armed Forces. Seven members of this organization came to inspect each of the graves where deceased veterans lie. 

Part of this inspection is to change out the unserviceable American flags that the organization leaves at these grave markers and replace them. It is a small but meaningful gesture for these veterans to remember those that have passed on that served.

“Each year, we try to come out to Oak HIll Cemetery on Memorial Day weekend and Veteran’s Day weekend to do this in remembrance of our lost brothers and sisters in arms.” said Commander Dan Awtrey.

Each veteran inspects the grave flags to see if they are still serviceable. If a flag is found unserviceable, the Post Legionnaire would remove the old flag, replace it with the new flag, and then step back to render a solemn salute to the flag and grave. The Legionnaires look for flags that are tearing, discolored, or broken which renders the flag unserviceable.

“Doing this helps to keep the American Legion on top of these veteran’s graves.” said Post Adjutant Terance Herzog. “Many of these folks don’t have family in the Richmond Hill area, so it is our way of making sure their graves are kept up” The American Legion JE Lanier Post 27 is a local nonprofit organization that helps with veterans and their families in the Richmond Hill Community.

 If you would like more information on their mission, please email at

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