The Richmond Hill Historical Society is pleased to present Paul Pressly, noted educator, author, and historian. He will be speaking at the Richmond Hill History Museum on Thursday, Aug. 4. The program begins at 7 p.m.
A question and answer period will follow Mr. Pressly’s lecture.
Betty and Hercules were two of a group of nine enslaved people who escaped from Ossabaw Island and headed to Kilkenny on Ogeechee Neck to seek their freedom. They had attempted unsuccessfully to escape from the Morels at Kilkenny Plantation and had been moved to Ossabaw Island where it would be more difficult to leave.
This is their story entwined with the politics of the 1780s, the effects of the American Revolution on people, their attitudes, and the heady dreams of freedom creating a new dynamic in this new country.
It’s an exciting story involving the British, the Creek Indians, the citizens of the newly formed nation and enslaved Africans embarking on their own search for liberty.
For more information please call the Richmond Hill History Museum or check our website. Current RHHS members can attend the lecture at no charge. Non-members will be charged a small fee. The lecture is open to the general public.