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New graduation policy clears first hurdle
Katryna McCann, Veronica Fay and Leighton Brooks are recognized for their accomplishments in All-State Band. - photo by Jessica Holhaus

The first reading of a new graduation policy, which will go into affect for current 8th graders and subsequent grades, was approved by the Bryan County Board of Education at their Thursday meeting.

"The new graduation rule is based on the Georgia graduation policy that we have ‘Bryanized,’" said Associate Superintendent John Oliver of policy 160-4-20.48. "The instruction on the state level has been kicked up and these requirements match what the state is requesting."

The new graduation policy will go into effect next year, starting with the Class of 2012. Oliver said the most significant difference is the single credential for graduation, unlike the different levels that are available now.

"The expectation of this new graduation policy is that all children can meet the same requirements," Oliver said.

There will no longer be LITE courses, or Algebra I, II, etc. Instead, there will be Accelerated Math 1, 2, 3 and 4 to meet the new Georgia Performance Standards in math.

There also will be four levels for English, science and social studies, with the option of AP courses after the four required units have been completed.

In addition to those 16 units of requirements, Oliver said they are recommending Bryan County students each focus on a concentration in Fine Arts, and/or Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) and/or Foreign Language. Bryan County will also continue to require world geography and a full semester of economics, which are courses the state does not require. Oliver estimated Bryan County graduation requirements will include 27 units total.

The second reading of the policy will be at the next meeting in April.


In other business:

- The board approved a variety of new courses, including An Intro to Women’s Literature, Microbiology, Astronomy, Oceanography, Advanced Lifetime Sports, American Sign Language and Shakespeare, among several others.

Superintendent Dr. Sallie Brewer said the requests came from RHHS faculty and students, but will be approved system wide. Whether or not the classes actually take place will be dependent upon enrollment, resources and faculty availability.

- Board member Mary Warnell was appointed as the delegate for the Georgia School Board Association Delegate Assembly/Summer Conference in Savannah June 20 and 21. Chairman Eddie Warnell is the alternate.

- A new Chorus Booster club was approved for the RHHS beginning next year.

- The board accepted a $50,666 bid, per unit, from Modular Building System for additional modular classrooms. Brewer estimates two will be needed at RHMS and three at the RHHS.

- The board accepted a $24,500 bid from Horton’s Roofing Repair for the BCES gym room, which they said is currently leaking.

- The board accepted a $28,900 bid from Chandler Roofing to fix the Board of Education shop roof in Pembroke, which has rusted through.

- The board approved the pre-K application for the 2008-2009 year. All the classes filled up on the first day, but Brewer said because of the two daycare centers in the county, they must prove additional need for classes – and prove they would not be pulling children out of the daycare centers.

She said they have limited space now but once the new RHES is completed there will be additional room for more pre-K classes.

- The board approved an easement with Georgia Power to install and maintain electrical lines and communication facilities to existing and future structures, which will provide a backup source of power in the event of an outage.




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