Entering the civilian job market when an estimated 14 million Americans are out of work can be an unsettling prospect.
But some of the job search pressure was lifted Wednesday for more than 500 transitioning soldiers, veterans, retirees and military spouses during a career expo at Fort Stewart’s Club Stewart. The expo is hosted by CivilianJobs.com each spring and fall at Fort Stewart.
“The expo offers employers a way to meet motivated and proven transitioning service members as they begin their career search following their military service,” said Vicki Washington, senior career expo coordinator. “This event offers candidates and employers a profile pre-matching process that ensures a company’s representatives will meet the attendees whose backgrounds offer the best fit for their positions.”
Job seekers could find local, statewide, national or international opportunities through the expo, according to Washington.
Thirty-two employers from such fields as administration, aviation, healthcare, law enforcement, logistics, maintenance, management, commercial truck driving and engineering, along with universities and trade schools were represented, confirmed Washington. Two employers, JCB Inc. and the Sandy Springs Police Department, participated in the bi-annual expo for the first time this week, Washington said.
“I think the military has a wealth of qualified candidates and some of them want to remain in this area,” JCB recruiter Heather Alkire said.
Read more in the Oct. 1 edition of the News.
Expo offers career help to soldiers, retirees
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