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Police blotter: Man tries to walk home from bar, decides to take nap at car wash instead

From Bryan County Sheriff’s Department and Richmond Hill Police Department incident reports.

April 19

An RHPD officer patrolling on Highway 17 spotted a car at the Richmond Hill Car Wash with “the driver door open and a white male subject laying on the ground next to it.”

The officer turned around and pulled into the parking lot of the car wash and “made contact with this individual …” the report said, claiming the32-year-old man reeked of alcohol, was hard to understand because he mumbled “and he did not know where he was or how he got to where he was at.”

“At this time I requested for EMS to come and check this subject sure he was okay,” the officer wrote in the report narrative. “EMS squad 2 responded to the scene and checked him out and stated he was okay just intoxicated. While EMS was speaking to (the man) I heard him tell them that he was drinking at a bar and consumed at least seven or eight beers before trying to walk to his residence (a Willow Oak address).”

And then this: “(The man) also told (EMS) that he did not know who the vehicle belonged to but opened the door to sit inside and rest before he finished walking the rest of the way home.”

The man refused to be taken to the hospital and “was up and walking just fine upon the departure of EMS,” the officer noted, then checked information on the car, which had a New York registration sticker on its windshield. After failing in his attempt to discover who owned the vehicle, which seemed to be undamaged, the officer arrested the man for public drunk and loitering.

He was taken to RHPD, cited and then was bonded out by his mom.


April 18

Police were sent to the Scottish Inn around 4 a.m. regarding a woman who wanted a man out of her room.

Officers met the woman in the lobby and she “stated an unauthorized male was in her room.” They then checked the front desk and learned the room was rented out to the woman and “an unknown guest.”

Police then went to the room, where they met the man, which the report described as“the complainant’s long time boyfriend,” and “advised him of the situation.”

That didn’t go over so well..

“(The man) stated since he was having to leave the room he was going to let (the officers) know there were drugs in the room,” the report said.

The woman refused to allow the men to search them room, but did let them search her purse. Meanwhile, “(the man) took it upon himself to pull a used crack pipe from behind the refrigerator and retrieved an empty bag plastic bag from the bathroom counter that (he) stated contained (his girlfriend’s) crack.”

The room was then searched and officers found a scouring pad, which is commonly used as a crack pipe filter, in a small bag. The stuff was confiscated and taken to RHPD. The boyfriend left, but not before letting police search his belongings after his girlfriend claimed he’d stolen some of her belongings. He didn’t have anything on him, the report said.

April 20

An RHPD officer was dispatched to a Dimick Drive address around 6:40 a.m. “to a report of someone being on the roof of a neighbor’s house that was for sale,” a report said.

The officer met with the complainant who pointed out the house and “informed me that she saw someone on the roof just prior to her call,” the report said. “She could not identify the race or sex of the subject but believed the subject to be of school age.”

Another officer showed up and police checked the home. They found the back door unlocked but the home was empty and everything inside seemed to be OK. Police left a message for the real estate agent handling the sale of the home, then checked the area and spoke with a neighbor, who said he saw kids “jumping the fence about a week ago, but he believed it was to retrieve a ball. No other leads were received.”


April 15

Bryan County Sheriff’s Department deputies were sent to I-95 near mile marker 80 around 2:30 a.m. “In reference to a semi truck which had struck something in the middle of the roadway which caused his fuel tank to puncture,” a report said.

The deputy who wrote the report said while on his way to the call, he ran over a “piece of tire” in the middle lane near mile marker 82. When he got to the semi, Liberty County authorities were also there, and the driver said he hit a “tire tread in the roadway causing a puncture to his driver’s side diesel tank.”

The driver said he kept driving “into Liberty County with the punctured tank to keep the diesel fuel from spilling into the marsh,” the report added, noting the truck had just fueled up in Savannah and had around 500 gallons in the tanks.

What’s more, there was no shut-off valve to the two tanks, which were connected. And the driver’s side tank had already leaked half of its fuel and “it was still flowing,” the deputy reported.

It was apparently a mess.

“There was an abundance of diesel fuel on the bridge in Liberty County, enough to where it was puddling up on the bridge. A Liberty County fire engine from Station 20 arrived on scene,” the report continued. “They evaluated the scene and began to dump absorbent powder on the diesel fuel nearest the truck.”

Then, a chief from Liberty County said the diesel fuel on the bridge would “dissipate,” the report said. “However, I called for our Battalion 1 captain … to come to the scene. Additional Liberty County and Bryan County responding units were told to disregard by Liberty County’s Station 20 Chief ….. “

This apparently because the leak from the fuel tanks “appeared to have been slowed down by someone on scene, possibly the fire units, stuffing a glove in the puncture. After the two bags of absorbent powder were put on the spilling diesel fuel (the Liberty County firefighters) left the scene” the deputy reported.

The deputy stayed put.

“Due to the amount of diesel fuel which was still spilling onto the grassy area beside the truck, I radioed central to have the Department of Transportation respond to our location in reference to performing evaluating the area for a HAZMAT containment area,” he reported.

Another BCSD deputy at the site asked the semi driver what tow company he wanted to call to remove the truck. He was told the driver’s boss was on the way from Hardeeville, S.C. and wanted to drive the truck out of there.

“I informed (the driver) to tell his boss that the truck was not going to be able to be driven due to the leak,” the deputy reported. “”Again, (the driver) said his boss declined a tow service and was wanting to drive the truck. Therefore, I radioed central to make contact with the Department of Public Safety and to have a motor carrier compliance division officer en route to evaluate the truck’s condition.”

By now, Liberty County’s EMA deputy director had shown up to take over.

 “At this point, the fuel had leaked about 15 feet onto the grass,” the report said, adding that the EMA deputy director was beginning his assessment.

The reporting deputy left the driver a business card, left another deputy at the site to wait on DOT and later learned the DOT had sent a Brunswick-based contractor known as DBi to clean things up.

April 14

A woman went to the Bryan County Sheriff’s Department office to report the following: “She stated she has been trying to sell her 1989 Chevy RV. She stated Friday a (man) approached her about the RV and was interested in buying the vehicle for $1,500. She stated no money has been given to her nor her (mother) at this time,” the report said.

Later that day, the deputy was sent to the woman’s home “in reference to an unwanted subject on her property in her RV. Upon my arrival I made contact with (the mother, who) advised that the subject was living in her RV without permission.”
All’s well that ends well, apparently. The deputy went to check and “no one was in the RV at this time. I gave (the mother) a case number and advised her to call if the subject comes back..”

April 19

An RHPD officer was sent to a Blue Wing Drive address around 10 a.m. to check on alleged animal cruelty.

The complainant said his neighbor has a dog that cries and barks all the time, and “this time the nuisance started last night, continued through the night and is still going on now,” the report said, noting the officer heard it too as he went to check on the dog, which was tied to tree in the back yard.

The complainant said he was initially upset over the dog’s barking, but after seeing it “tied to a tree with no food, clean water, or shelter, he felt this may be a case of animal cruelty.”

But the dog had some room to move and “did not appear malnourished and was fairly clean even though it had been raining this morning,” the report said. The officer then went to check with its owners, but no one was at home. Neighbors, however, said the dog “barks whenever it is out and has been doing so for months.”

The officer went back later in the day and to meet with the dog’s owner. The dog was inside and “appeared in good health and spirits” and the owner, apparently unaware that the canine barked nonstop whenever it was left outside on a chain. The officer told the owner he shouldn’t leave the dog outside unattended and could be cited for nuisance animal.

The owner understood and told the officer he’d monitor the dog “from here on out,” the report said.



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Later yall, its been fun
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This is among the last pieces I’ll ever write for the Bryan County News.

Friday is my last day with the paper, and come June 1 I’m headed back to my native Michigan.

I moved here in 2015 from the Great Lake State due to my wife’s job. It’s amicable, but she has since moved on to a different life in a different state, and it’s time for me to do the same.

My son Thomas, an RHHS grad as of Saturday, also is headed back to Michigan to play basketball for a small school near Ann Arbor called Concordia University. My daughter, Erin, is in law school at University of Toledo. She had already begun her college volleyball career at Lourdes University in Ohio when we moved down here and had no desire to leave the Midwest.

With both of them and the rest of my family up north, there’s no reason for me to stay here. I haven’t missed winter one bit, but I’m sure I won’t miss the sand gnats, either.

Shortly after we arrived here in 2015, I got a job in communications with a certain art school in Savannah for a few short months. It was both personally and professionally toxic and I’ll leave it at that.

In March 2016 I signed on with the Bryan County News as assistant editor and I’ve loved every minute of it. My “first” newspaper career, in the late 80s and early 90s, was great. But when I left it to work in politics and later with a free-market think tank, I never pictured myself as an ink-stained wretch again.

Like they say, never say never.

During my time here at the News, I’ve covered everything that came along. That’s one big difference between working for a weekly as opposed to a daily paper. Reporters at a daily paper have a “beat” to cover. At a weekly paper like this, you cover … life. Sports, features, government meetings, crime, fundraisers, parades, festivals, successes, failures and everything in between. Oh, and hurricanes. Two of them. I’ll take a winter blizzard over that any day.

Along the way I’ve met a lot of great people. Volunteers, business owners, pastors, students, athletes, teachers, coaches, co-workers, first responders, veterans, soldiers and yes, even some politicians.

And I learned that the same adrenalin rush from covering “breaking news” that I experienced right out of college is still just as exciting nearly 30 years later.

With as much as I’ve written about the population increase and traffic problems, at least for a few short minutes my departure means there will be one less vehicle clogging up local roads. At least until I pass three or four moving vans headed this way as I get on northbound I-95.

The hub-bub over growth here can be humorous, unintentional and ironic all at once. We often get comments on our Facebook page that go something like this: “I’ve lived here for (usually less than five years) and the growth is out of control! We need a moratorium on new construction.”

It’s like people who move into phase I of “Walden Woods” subdivision after all the trees are cleared out and then complain about trees being cut down for phase II.

Bryan County will always hold a special place in my heart and I definitely plan on visiting again someday. My hope is that my boss, Jeff Whitten (one of the best I’ve ever had), will let me continue to be part of the Pembroke Mafia Football League from afar. If the Corleone family could expand to Vegas, there’s no reason the PMFL can’t expand to Michigan.

But the main reason I want to return someday is about that traffic issue. After all, I’ll need to see it with my own eyes before I’ll believe that Highway 144 actually got widened.

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