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DOT outlines roundabout proposal for 144 and I-95
DOT open house
Visitors to the open house check out the renderings of the proposed double-roundabout at the Highway 144 and Interstate 95 interchange. - photo by Photo by Paul Floecker

Bryan County Commissioners Chairman Jimmy Burnsed made sure to attend a Georgia Department of Transportation open house Tuesday at the John W. Stevens Wetlands Education Center.

Burnsed, also chairman of the Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority, wanted to see for himself the proposal to construct a double roundabout at the Highway 144 and Interstate 95 interchange.

“The roundabout is the wave of the future for all of us, I guess, and it just looks like to me they’re trying to make Bryan County and Richmond Hill the roundabout capital of Georgia,” Burnsed quipped.

Burnsed’s reference — to the proposed 144/95 roundabouts and the traffic circle built this summer at Highway 144 and Belfast River Road — was tongue-in-cheek. He actually considers the roundabout an effective design to keep traffic moving.

“A traffic light backs up traffic. A roundabout keeps it flowing,” Burnsed said. “Not everybody agrees, but I think it’s a good idea.”

Under the GDOT’s proposal, roundabouts would be built on Highway 144 at the I-95 ramps, adding a right-turn bypass lane from 144 to the I-95 northbound and southbound entrance ramps.

The idea for the double roundabout evolved from discussions about how to ease traffic congestion at Highway 144 and I-95 and make the interchange safer to navigate, according to GDOT District Communications Officer Jill Nagel.

“We think this is the best, safest improvement we can do at this interchange,” Nagel said. “We need to relieve some congestion, especially traffic coming into and out of Fort Stewart. Anytime you look at congestion possibly backing up on I-95, that is a hazard.”

The 144/I-95 restructuring is in the “concept phase,” Nagel said, meaning the project’s design has not been formally approved. Public comment is being taken through Oct. 8.

Nagel estimated the construction would cost around $2.5 million, though the price tag can’t be finalized until the design is. The project would be federally funded, she said.

A consulting firm is developing the design, Nagel said, and a team of GDOT engineers will “look at it under a microscope” to make sure it follows all federal guidelines. The design then will be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration for approval.

If it’s approved, the GDOT could put the project out for bid “toward the end of 2016,” Nagel said. Finalizing the contract with the chosen bidder would take 30-60 days, she said, likely extending the start of construction into 2017.

“What we’re estimating is 18 months for construction,” Nagel said.

Anyone who missed the open house can mail comments to: Hiral Patel, State Environmental Administrator; Georgia Department of Transportation; 600 W. Peachtree St. NW, 16th Floor; Atlanta, GA 30308.

Comments also can be submitted online to From the menu, select “Bryan” and then “SR 144 at I-95 off ramps.” Click “Go,” then click “Comment” and follow the instructions.

The project displays and plans will be posted on  for 10 days following the open house. Hard copies also will be available at the Georgia DOT’s Savannah Area Office at 630 W. Boundary St. in Savannah.

Burnsed left the open house cautiously optimistic that the double roundabout could improve the traffic flow at Highway 144 and Interstate 95 — albeit about four years from now.

“It looks to me like it should work and it should alleviate that traffic coming out of Fort Stewart every afternoon, to some degree,” he said. “It’ll be interesting to see.”

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Later yall, its been fun
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This is among the last pieces I’ll ever write for the Bryan County News.

Friday is my last day with the paper, and come June 1 I’m headed back to my native Michigan.

I moved here in 2015 from the Great Lake State due to my wife’s job. It’s amicable, but she has since moved on to a different life in a different state, and it’s time for me to do the same.

My son Thomas, an RHHS grad as of Saturday, also is headed back to Michigan to play basketball for a small school near Ann Arbor called Concordia University. My daughter, Erin, is in law school at University of Toledo. She had already begun her college volleyball career at Lourdes University in Ohio when we moved down here and had no desire to leave the Midwest.

With both of them and the rest of my family up north, there’s no reason for me to stay here. I haven’t missed winter one bit, but I’m sure I won’t miss the sand gnats, either.

Shortly after we arrived here in 2015, I got a job in communications with a certain art school in Savannah for a few short months. It was both personally and professionally toxic and I’ll leave it at that.

In March 2016 I signed on with the Bryan County News as assistant editor and I’ve loved every minute of it. My “first” newspaper career, in the late 80s and early 90s, was great. But when I left it to work in politics and later with a free-market think tank, I never pictured myself as an ink-stained wretch again.

Like they say, never say never.

During my time here at the News, I’ve covered everything that came along. That’s one big difference between working for a weekly as opposed to a daily paper. Reporters at a daily paper have a “beat” to cover. At a weekly paper like this, you cover … life. Sports, features, government meetings, crime, fundraisers, parades, festivals, successes, failures and everything in between. Oh, and hurricanes. Two of them. I’ll take a winter blizzard over that any day.

Along the way I’ve met a lot of great people. Volunteers, business owners, pastors, students, athletes, teachers, coaches, co-workers, first responders, veterans, soldiers and yes, even some politicians.

And I learned that the same adrenalin rush from covering “breaking news” that I experienced right out of college is still just as exciting nearly 30 years later.

With as much as I’ve written about the population increase and traffic problems, at least for a few short minutes my departure means there will be one less vehicle clogging up local roads. At least until I pass three or four moving vans headed this way as I get on northbound I-95.

The hub-bub over growth here can be humorous, unintentional and ironic all at once. We often get comments on our Facebook page that go something like this: “I’ve lived here for (usually less than five years) and the growth is out of control! We need a moratorium on new construction.”

It’s like people who move into phase I of “Walden Woods” subdivision after all the trees are cleared out and then complain about trees being cut down for phase II.

Bryan County will always hold a special place in my heart and I definitely plan on visiting again someday. My hope is that my boss, Jeff Whitten (one of the best I’ve ever had), will let me continue to be part of the Pembroke Mafia Football League from afar. If the Corleone family could expand to Vegas, there’s no reason the PMFL can’t expand to Michigan.

But the main reason I want to return someday is about that traffic issue. After all, I’ll need to see it with my own eyes before I’ll believe that Highway 144 actually got widened.

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