Plans for the county’s role in an extension of Veterans Memorial Parkway in South Bryan to provide additional access to a proposed elementary school were evaluated during a called workshop on Monday held at the Bryan County Emergency Services building in Ellabell.
Commissioners took no action regarding the matter, but discussed with Board of Education Chairman Eddie Warren their potential role in the extension of the road just past DeVaul Henderson Park to provide an additional entrance to the proposed elementary school, which is set to open in 2015.
County Administrator Ray Pittman said the county currently has “no firm options” for their role in the project but does want to be a “good partner” with the school board in the project.
Warren said the BoE’s preference is for the road to be extended to Georgia Spur 144, or Fort McAllister Road, to provide a bus entrance for the school, alleviate traffic congestion in the area and create a new option to come to Henderson Park and school from Spur 144.
However, the developer of East Buckhead, a new subdivision in the same area, owns the property the road would have to be built on, Warren said. The developer would eventually have to extend the road to Spur 144 after the subdivision is fully developed, but that wouldn’t be for several years, he said.
“If the Board of Education decides to participate in construction of the road, the developer would have to give it to us because we’re not allowed to work on property that is not ours,” Warren said Tuesday.
He said another option that could work for the BoE is extending Veterans Memorial Parkway, a county road, between 500-700 feet from where the road currently ends just past the entrance to Henderson Park.
Read more in the April 24 edition of the News.