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Letters show belief in Santa still strong

It can be a rough old world out there, but at least there’s still a Santa Claus.

Whether it’s the good firefighters who spent dozens of chilly nights going on Santa Runs across the county and in Richmond Hill and Pembroke to make kids’ holidays a little merrier, or the people at Bryan County Family Connections and United Way who annually make sure families have Christmas gifts, for those who support such causes, there’s plenty of proof that the jolly old elf is still alive and well in our hearts.

Perhaps nowhere is the spirit more alive than in kids who still believe in the man in the red suit’s power to give them what they want, all magically delivered via reindeer power.

It’s what makes letters to Santa a reminder that wonder and hope will never go away as long as there are the young. Need proof? How about this letter from a Lanier Primary second grader: (note: we are keeping the letters in their original form, with no editing)

 Dear Santa, I hope you are doing great. And tell Mrs. Claus that I hope she is having a great day. How are the reindeer doing and what do they eat. Cause I want to give them a treat for Christmas if you will give it to them. So these are the hings I might want for Christmas. Go in the verteral world. I want to go in the verteral world because it looks so good. I want a long charger for Christmas so I can charge my controlers. I want to have a blue shiny controler. I want a shiny blue controller so I have a controller for myself. I want my dad to come back from war cause all of us are worried about him. And we want him to be safe on the way back. And help us think that he will always be safe. These are all the things I wish will happen. Love, Cameron C.

Here are more letters all unedited and typed up as best as this editor could. They come from students at Lanier Primary, McAllister Elementary and Richmond Hill Primary.

We chose the county’s youngest students because, well, Like Natalie, from Richmond Hill Primary, they still believe.

Dear Santa, do you go to the Bech in the sumer. My name is Natalie. Do you stay in the Noth pole all the time? What do you do wen it is sumer. Do all of the elfs where the same thing? Are you rele becuse my big Brother dos not bleven you. I do. We will leve you some cokies. I love cokeis do you like them to? How do you diliver all of the presits? What coler eyes do you hae? Natalie.

Lanier Primary

From Wendy Seiler’s second grade class.

Dear Mr. Santa Claus, How old are you? Is Roudolgh real or fake?

For Christmas I would like L.O.L. dolls. I want lol dolls because all my freinds have it and I don’t. Another I want is a hubber board.

Because I can do a lot of tricks. The last thing I want is Pik Mi Pops.

Because they smell like a lot of good foods and drinks. Santa I hope you ride safely to my house.

I was a good little bit but more than bad.

Love, Trinity J.

 Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. Is rophdof the red nose raindeer real. How is Mrs Claus. I have been more good than bad.

I have been geting good grades. There are some items I want for Christmas. The first item I want is coal candy.

Why I want it is because I have never ate it before. Next I want a leans cleaning kit. Why I want tht is because my Wii won’t read one of my games. Last I want uneversle tickits. Why I want them is because I have never been to unevrsles in my life. These are all the things I want for Christmas. I hope you like the cookies.

Pleas respopnd to my letter.

Sincerely, Keegan F. 

Dear Santa, I hope you have a safe ride giving presents. I hope you have fun riding in the sleigh. You are the best persen in the hole intier world. These are the stuff I want fer Christmas. The first thing I want is Mimpi dreams for my Nintendo Swich. I want that because I saw somebody play it then I wanted it.

The second thing I want is a desck in my room.

I want a desck in my room because I want to be able to make stuff in my room. The third thing I want for Christmas is a PS4. I want a PS5 because my friend Channing has one and I want one to. That is what I want for Christmas. By the way how is Mrs. Claus.

Love, Rett S.

 Dear Santa, I haven’t been that good but I have been good because sometimes I wash the dises and talk care of my petlizard named Jonthen. So how is Misses Clause. Santa I am 7 years Old. How are you doing Santa. Santa how is Roudh doing? The firs thing I want is a cage for my pet lizard Jonathan because he is so bold all the time. The second thing I want for Christmas is a pone. Because if I get lost I cold call or text my mom. And that’s all I want for Christmas.

Love, Olivia H.

Dear Santa, I hope you have a good Christmas. But can you get me thes things.

Can I have a x-boxes?

The reason why is because I want to play surtent game. The second thing I want is a bord game. The reasen is because I want to play it with my flamy. The third thing that I want is a box. It is becze you can make things out of one. My fourth thing I want is candy coal. The reason is because it tast good. The fifth thing that I want is a sheld. The reason it will proteked me from my sister. I also want a fake sowerd. It will go with the shilld.

Those are the thing I really want. I hope you come. Have a grat Christmas. Willam M.

Dear Santa, I’m Channing I hope you are having a good time in the north pole. How is Mrs. Claus doing? So Santa Claus how are your reindeer good or bad. Santa Claus I have a question do you a dog yes or no? Santa I have another question how many toy do you make in one day? Hey Santa Claus I like your hat that you wear it looks nice.

Santa I just recognized we both have blue eyes cool right. Santa this is the first item I want a drone. I want a drone because my mom and dad sometimes tell me to play outside and thats why I want a drone. The second Item I want is a golden mighty bean. I want a mighty golden bean so I can make it play with my other mighty bean and it is not gold.

The third item I want is 1000,0000,0000,0 Robux. I want 1000,0000,0000,0 Robux because I want to buy a lot of stuff on roblox. The fourth item I want is the regular game of scribblenauts on PS4 on dvd. I want the regular game of scribblenauts on PS4 on DVD because I think that one is better than scribblenauts showdown. The fifth item I want is remote controll race cars. I want remote controll race cars so I can ras my daddy. The sixth item I want is a nitendo swich with splatoon 2. I want a nitendo swich with Splatoon2 because I lost them the first time and now I can’t find them. Bye Santa Claus. Hope you have a great time in the north pole.

Your friend, Channing C.

 Dear Santa,

I have been really good for you Santa. I really hope you come tonight Santa. A merry Christmas to Santa.

The first giff is red and green slime. I want it because it is the coler of Christmas lights. The second gift is a monster in a lock box that copies your voice. It is because I could scare eople.

Last thing that I want is a robotic hand. Than I could grab stuff easier.

Thank you for all the stuff you have givin us.

Love, Ryder W.

 Dear Santa Claus, I am eight years old.

I have been bad and good. I have 1 brother and three sisters. I love you Santa you’re the best Santa bie the way how is Mrs Claus and how is Rudolph and your other reindeer and how are the elf’s. These are some things I want for cristmas. I would like a new bike, please.

I want a new bike because my dad was pulling in his truck and ran it over. I really want a wishtle. So when me and my grandma play I can blow it to start the game. And can I have a toy gun that lights up and mke’s noise. I would like one so when my friends come oer we can play with it. One more thing I want to see you. I want to see you so I’ll know you are real. I wll not tell anyone I saw you. Those are all the things I want.

Sincerely, Cooper W.

Dear Santa Claus How is Mrs. Claus.

She is a good cooker.

This is one thing I want.

I want a patry maker.

I want a patry maker because I am a good maker. Another thing I want is a bath bom maker. I want et because I can have a lot of fun. Another thing I want is a toy set from Clairs I want it because it has all of the stuff I want. Next I want a tie dye watch for Claire’s. I want et because all you have to do is tuch it and it will come on and tell you what time it is. Next I want a fluffy squeez.

I want it because I love fluffy squeeze. Another thing I want is slime maker. I want a slime maker because slime is fun to play with. Now I will tell you the last thing I want is a fluffy jacket. I want a fluffy jacket because you can put your anishols on it.

Love, Cayleigh F.

Dear Santa, I am 7 years old and I am kind of good and a little bad. I will leave you some cookies for you if you come. I will tell you some toys that I want to tell you I will tell you that I want a new scooter for Chistmas. Because my scooter is falling a part and I have 5 parts. My other toy that I want is a x-box. Because I can not play with mine because my brothers Drew and Gavin play with it and wont let me play with it. My last toy is a slime kit. Because I don’t’ have one for myself and I really want one please can you make me one pretty please Santa. That is my 3 things that I want. And if you want me to leave you some reindeer food for them that will be fine ok.

Love, your friend, Emma L.

From other Lanier Primary students:

Dear Santa, I hope you don’t sleep in on Christmas. Can I please have a meat ball launcher, some hand warmers, and a four wheeler?

How do you get down the chimney?

From, Fysher.

Dear Santa, I want a $100 gift card, shot gun and a gaming compur. I hope the kids are not too greedy.

Your friend, Stephen M.

Dear Santa, I hope your elves had a good time in the winter. Could I please have a new baby brother, picture frame, and some toys and books?

Your friend? Zy’Asia Dear Santa, Can I buy you a gift with my $1.50? Could I have a Minecraft sword and a pickax please?

Thank you!

Your friend, Raidyn

 Dear Santa Hi Santa it is me Samantha my gramfather died. I wish I am with my gramfather please can i. It is cool to be in the land of the remember. Please, please, Santa. I love you Santa. It is ok to said what you need to said love you by.

Love Samantha

 McAllister Elementary From Jennifer Loncon’s first grade class:

 Dear Santa, Thank you for spreding joy. I tried my best to be joyful and kind.

May I please have a chrome book, playhouse, gimnastix beam, gimnasitx bars and one hundred five surprise balls? Thank you for spreding so much joy on December 25th Jesuses Birthday. Thank you so much!

Love, Molly M.

Dear Santa, You are so nise to give us presines! I just tried hard to be good.

For Chrismas I want LoL Under Wraps and the comfety series of LoL dolls. I wonder if anyone else wants it?

I allsow want a sqwoshie unicorn that smells like barry.Allsow Moj moj. Allsow the hare pray can of under wraps.

Love, Liya C. 

Dear Santa,

Thank you for all you do for us. Evreone loves everting you brin. This crismis may I have a lipstick truk, a otumit pow-putrl set, a hachumol set or a hachumol egg?

I will love wut evre you bring.

Love, Cassidy

 Dear Santa, I tried my best in school and I also tried my best to not fight with my baby sister. This year, may I have a harry potter wand and a Lego set and also a sercet kit.

What4ever you get me this year, I will be happy! Thank you so much!

Love, Brooklyn M.

Dear Santa, Thank you for joy that you bring. Thank you for the presents. Can I please have a go cart.

Can I please have some jack and annie books.

Can I please have some football stuff! Can I get oppsticle carses!

Love, Smith

 Dear Santa, I hope your sled is good for the contest.

Thank you for writing me back. May I please have a lego Santa and your workshop. Have the baby raindeer been born yet? Thank you for giving gifts to people.

Love, Cole

 Dear Santa, I love what you bring each and every year.

Thank you for your Presints. And nice ness that you sher to uthers.

May I have this year is a good Christmas to my family and friends.

Love, Parker

From Richmond Hill Primary: Mrs. Stephens kindergarten class:

  Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like legos for Christmas. Will you please bring me a candycane for my mom.

Love Dominick.

Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a remote control boat for Christmas. bring a kite for my Mom.


 Dear Santa, I have been nice. this year. I would like a giant LoL doll for Christtmas. Will you also bring a robe for mom.


 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year I woylh like nintendos with pg for Christmas. Wil you also bring a LoL slvin. 

Love, Gabe.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a LoL for Christmas. Will you also brin a LoL for my sister.

Love Rylee.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a Bumblnbee for Christmas. Will you also bring a squishy for Gde(?)e.

Love Austin.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a LoL for Christmas will you also bring a necklace for mom. 

Love Hazel.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a  ttme travi for Christmas. Will you lso bring a Bay blade set for AJ.

Love Keira.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like LoL for Christmas. Will you also bring a unicorn for sister.

 Love Holland.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year Please bring an LOL doll for me and a monster truck for my brother.

 Love Ayda.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a big squishy. Will you bring a bathrobe for Mrs. Stephens.

 Love, Ramey

Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I like a R.C. car for christmas. Will you bring a you bring a blue R.C. car for Christmas.

(Will you also bring a pointer to Mrs. Stephens.)


 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a fidget spinner Christmas. Merry Christmas.

 Love, Gabriel.

Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a car for Cristmas. Merry Christmas. 

Love, Joshua

Dear Santa, I have been nice this  year. I would like a bike for Chrismas. Mery Christmas.

 Love, Toshawnbe

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a LoL doll, hatchimals, sqyishy for Christmas. Merry Christmas.

Love, Vivienne.

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. AI would like tracror rcdr for Christmas. merry Christmas.

 Love Trey

Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a necklace for Christmas. Will you also bring a tebe ber for my brother.

 Love Sawyer

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a Bay blade set for Christmas. Will you also bring a L.o.L. for Riley.

 Love AJ

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a mighty beans. Will you also bring a LoL for my sister.

 Love, Gaege

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would likje a LoL for Christmas. Will you also bring a Transformer for my brother

 Love Emma

Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a Elsalon for Christmas. Will you also bring a L.O.L. for Emma.


 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would lick a dinosior for Christmas. Merry Christmas. 

Love, Canaan

 Dear Santa, I have been nice this year. I would like a drone for Christmas. Will you also bring a bathrobe for Mrs. Stephens.

 Love, John

Mrs. Braddock first grade

 Dear Santa, I would like to have a LoL doll for Christmas. I have helped others by shiling stuf. Thank you for making the osom Christmas.

Sincerely, Sophia

 Dear Santa, I would like to have a robot for Christmas. I have helped others by becacus wihsn bab fod I hep thim. Thank ya for making presents and going around the world. Sincerely your Kody

Dear Sant Nik, I want a skat bord for crismis. HoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHoHo.

Mare crismis Santa I hop you hav a good crismis Santa, 


 Dear Santa, I would like to have a ice skates for Christmas. I have helped others by up win hey fel of his bick. Thank you for making presents and going around the world. Sincerely your name Ashlyn

 Dear Santa, I would like to have ear muffs four Chistmas. I have hlped others by giveing them a toy. Thank you for makeing presents four me.


 Dear Sania, I would like to have a locket for Christmas. I have helped others by wash the dish and I clnd my rum up thank you for making presents and going around the world.

sincerely, Georgia

 Dear Santa, I would like to have a puppy for clrnistmas I have helped others by haping peld thankyou making present and going around the world sincerely.


 Dear Santa, I would like to have a  vanity for Christmas. I have helped othes dy lit my mom if my little brathr. Thank you for making presents and going around the world.

 Sincerely, Carolynn

Stacey Davis first grade RHPS

 Dear Santa, do you now Frosty the snowman Santa this kid in my class. rom he tochd the Elf on the shelf you are the best Santa. My name is Aaron bye Santa

 Dear Santa, My name is Sutton Lee. Do you like Soda. Haw do you get aran the world in 1 night.

Do you no that I love you and a gingerbread house I love you XOXOXOXO Love Ariyanna

 Dear Sant,a My Nme is Ayla I want a barebey dreem house! And a uniacoern and barebeys I wish I was 19 Love Ayla

 Santa do you now Jak Frost do you have 8 reindeer. I want a woch (we can’t make it out, but hopefully Santa brings it). Kaiden

 Dear Santa, do you go to the Bech in he sumer. My name is Natalie. Do you stay in the Noth pole all the time? What do you do wen it is sumer. Do all of the elfs whee the same thing? Are you rele becuse my big Brother dos not bleven you. I do. We will leve you some cokies. I love cokeis do you like them to? How do you diliver all of the presits? What coler eyes do you hae? Natalie

Dear Santa, My name is Aniston Alderman. Me I one the nise list? Ho Ho Ho Ho do  you say Ho Ho Ho.

 Dear Santa, How do you give a toys to evre Hawse. Santa I like you you are the best we care abawt Christmas. Santa I love evre bote at tis scool. Santa we car abot you tack you for giving us presents. For us we love yore reindeers you have 8 of tem. Dear Santa do you have a toy reindeer I like to put at the cr tree. Kingston

Dear Santa, I love the presents. I love your elfs. I love you Saunta. Saunta is cool. Love Tristan

 Dear Santa, You are kool and I love you. Am I on the nis list? I no you are nis. Love Kayle

 Santa, how do you have your sleigh go so fast? Is it dasher? Rudolph? Who knows? How do you go so fast to get to everybodys house how do you eat so fast? Do u go down the chimey or use your magic I don’t know? From Grayden to Santa Claus.

 Stacy Davis’ Class. 1st Grade.

 Dear Santa, I thck you are cool I’m my on the hober his. To Santa, frume Nolan.

 I know that you and yo elfs work so much. You are the best one evr. Love Ethan Mack. Ho Ho Ho! Marey hristmas.

Wut is er nam. Haw mu elf do you have. My Elf names Elfe Bibi. I Wod see u nexter. Ho Ho Ho Mare Crestmes.


 Sata my nam is Eli, can you bring me a (we can’t figure it out, but surely Santa already knows) present. Bring me my (Santa knows).

 Dear Santa, My name is Payton. How do you drink all the miklks. And eat all the cookies! What’s all your elfs names!

 Dear Santa, My name is Adelynn. I have a few quesions for you. Hoaw do you slep at nigt. Marey Christmas.


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