In order to install new cross drains, Kingswood Drive in the Buckhead East Subdivision will be closed near the intersection of Fort McAllister Road/ Highway 144 on Wednesday May 11, at 7 a.m.
This closure is expected to last no more than two days and will be reopened as soon as installation is complete.
Motorists should expect delays in the area of the closure and can detour along Fort McAllister Road to Veteran’s Memorial Parkway to access McAllister Elementary and Buckhead East.
Bryan County apologizes for any inconvenience during this construction.
This work is in anticipation of the road extension and realignment project that will redirect the bulk of traffic that currently uses Kingswood Drive through the Buckhead East Subdivision to access Fort McAllister Road. The new roadway will extend from Veteran’s Memorial Parkway, through Henderson Park, to the existing exit of Kingswood Drive on Fort McAllister Road.