Editor's note: The following was released Monday by Fort Stewart's Public Affairs Office.
Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield officials are urging drivers to update their Department of Defense vehicle registrations.
The installation is giving soldiers, family members, Army civilians and contract employees until Sept. 8 to correct any issues with their vehicles’ registrations. Installation police will begin issuing tickets on Sept. 9 to drivers who have expired registrations. Drivers may also have to get a temporary vehicle pass or may be denied access to the installation if their registrations are not in order.
Vehicles belonging to Soldiers (including allied officers) and their Family Members, Army Civilians, or contract employees affiliated with Stewart-Hunter must register their privately owned vehicles, per Army regulation. Vehicles can be registered by visiting the vehicle registration office in room 2064 at the Soldier Service Center (building 253), Stewart’s Gate # 1, or Hunter’s Wilson and Montgomery gates.
The person who is applying for the registration must personally visit the office. Documents that person will need to bring with include a valid driver’s license, current vehicle registration, current proof of insurance, and a valid identification card.
If you’re newly assigned to Stewart-Hunter, you must register your vehicle here no more than five working days after in-processing, even if you have a valid DoD decal from another installation. If you buy a new vehicle, you have five working days to obtain the vehicle registration after receiving your state registration and license plate.
Retirees and their Family Members, and Surviving Spouses and the children of deceased military members who possess valid military ID cards may also register their vehicles.
Decals are normally issued for long-term registrants, typically over one year. The registration consists of a blue-and-white DD Form 2220 tab, a colored Fort Stewart-HAAF identifier tab, and a one-part expiration date tab with the month on top and the year on the bottom. Vehicles with decals may use any open gate or lanes. Registration of any commercial company vehicle is not permitted. Specific entitlement to register is reviewed on an ongoing basis and further information is available at any of the vehicle registration offices.