Approximately 180 fifth grade students from Richmond Hill’s Carver Elementary School graduated from the first Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety (C.H.A.M.P.S.) program Friday before friends and family in ceremonies lead by Bryan County Sheriff’s Deputy David Hicks at the school. The 15 week program that replaced the D.A.R.E. program and is funded by BCSD, taught the children about problems they may face immediately and in the future, along with the importance of making good, healthy choices when faced with such issues as drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, bullying, and home and boat safety. Guest speaker Gordon Lowe, in law enforcement for 33 years and currently Area 3 Field Director with Georgia Emergency Management Agency and Department of Homeland Security, told the children, "You have a choice in all things you do. You know what’s right and what’s wrong. It’s your right to say no (to the bad choices). It’s your right to choose. You need to choose the right path and make good decisions."
Carver Champs
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