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BCSO reports: Man allegedly robbed by someone he passes on 204
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From Bryan County Sheriff ’s Office reports.

Armed robbery: A man reported June 17 he was robbed at gunpoint on Olive Branch Road by a man in a black car “with right front end damage” who followed him home from Highway 204.

The victim said he “recalled getting behind the vehicle on 204 near the two-lane part of the highway in Chatham County,” the report said. “He stated the vehicle was doing under the speed limit. He hung back until he had a chance to pass it which was on 204 shortly after crossing Morgans Creek Bridge. He stated that he did not think much about it at the time but when he arrived home and stopped at his mailbox, the vehicle passed on by.”

The man said he wasn’t sure about the vehicle but had an “uneasy” feeling about the situation.

The man then said after he unlocked the door to his home and went back to the car to pick up a bag of groceries, and bent over in the car. When he straightened up, a man was standing there “pointing a gun at him, telling him to hand over his wallet.”

The robber also took a set of keys, his cell phone and a handset to a cordless phone, then took off running towards Olive Branch Road.

The victim said at this point he “retrieved a revolver and fired five shots in hopes to scare the subject out of returning.” He then got his work phone out of a briefcase and called 911.

The victim described the robber as a black male around 6-feet tall with short hair. The man said the gun the robber used was similar to a Glock “but more rounded on top.” The victim said he didn’t see or hear a vehicle leave the area.

He said the robber got away with his driver’s license, social security card, Medicaid card, conceal carry permit, $800 in cash and three credit/debit cards. The robber also got a key ring with lots of keys. A detective was called to the scene.

Terroristic threats: A man went to BCSO on June 15 to tell a deputy a story regarding an incident on Bowridge Road “in which he was not involved,” the report said.

After the deputy heard his story, he met with a woman who said she was sitting on her front porch around 6 p.m. June 14 when a “bluish colored Malibu” pulled in and two men stepped out of the car while at least one more stayed inside. The woman told the deputy she didn’t know the men and told them she thought they had the wrong house, but they said they were at the right house and one said a man who lived there “injured my wife.”

The woman said she asked the men to leave “multiple times,” but they refused until a man working for a lawn maintenance company intervened and before driving off, one of the men threatened the woman, the report said.

The deputy remembered a hit and run investigated by Georgia State Patrol and the “offender” had the same name as the man the three men in the blue car were looking for. The deputy told the woman to call GSP and get a copy of the accident report and, if she wanted deputies to talk to the men, bring the report to BCSO so deputies could ID them. The woman also said the next morning she was told her back yard fence gate was open, but everything seemed OK. She wasn’t sure if it had anything to do with the men coming to her driveway.

DFACS: A deputy was sent along with EMS to a Sims Road, Ellabell address on June 16 regarding a 2-year-old “acting funny.” There, the mother said the child had been at the father’s home, “acting lethargic, not able to stand properly, and her eyes were dilated,” the report said. “After being put in the ambulance, EMS noticed the odor of burnt marijuana on the child. (The mother) stated that the father does smoke marijuana.”

The mother also said this wasn’t the first time they’d had concerns about the child after she came back from her father’s home. The deputy contacted the Department of Family and Children’s Services.

Welfare check: Deputies were sent to a do a welfare check June 11 on an elderly woman staying with a couple on Gill Road, South Bryan. What they saw isn’t pretty.

“Upon my arrival, I could see through the front door window and I observed approximately five piles of dog feces,” a deputy reported.

After finally getting someone to answer the door, the deputy reported “an overwhelming odor of male cat urine,” and as he went inside he saw “cat and dog urine, in an overwhelming amount, around the residence.”

Inside the woman’s bedroom, the deputy again saw “overwhelming amounts of dog feces and urine covering the bedroom floor,” including “recent feces on top of old feces.” The deputy also said the woman’s “bed looked as though she was falling off the side of the bed.” When the deputy asked the woman if he could help her onto the bed, “she informed me that her bed was like that from her laying on it,” and “stated that everyone that visits her thinks she is falling off the bed.”

The deputy reported the bed had plastic on it instead of bed sheets, and the woman was laying on a “bed chuck” while wearing adult diapers. She had a comforter, half of which “was in dog urine and feces on the floor,” the report said. “I observed a 13-gallon household trashcan by (the woman’s) bed that was overflowing with dirty bed chucks, adult underwear, and fast food wrappers.” In short, the deputy “observed that (the woman’s) bedroom didn’t have a sanitary place for (her) to drink, eat, walk … or sleep without being in close proximity to animal feces.”

The deputy asked the woman if she had a phone to call her daughter and was told the couple she’s staying with keep the phone locked up. When the deputy told them to get the phone, “a small kitten ran out of his bedroom,” the report said.

“I stated I thought the kitten was cute,” the deputy reported, and the elderly woman told him “they have about 100 kittens and cats in the house.” The deputy then helped the woman find her daughter’s phone number and she called to let her know she was OK. A detective told the man “the last time a welfare check was done on (the elderly woman) they were told to clean up the residence. (He stated that the residence had been cleaned up).” The deputy told the elderly woman to call BCSO if she needed anything. He told the man to leave her phone in her room in case of an emergency.

Aggravated assault, reckless conduct: Deputies were sent to an Edward Smith Road, Ellabell address on June 16 where they met a man who said he was driving down Porterfield Road “when he heard somebody yell and his back window blew out, and that the victim who was sitting in the right rear passenger seat, said she had been shot.” Witnesses told deputies they saw the shooter come from a Porterfield Road address, and one handed over a “mushroomed bullet found in the truck.” Among those questioned was a man who said “he was outside with his friends cleaning a deer when he saw the victim’s truck ‘speed by,’” the report said, but “did not see anyone shoot the truck.” Deputies detained a person of interest, the report said, and found a .22 shell casing near a truck at the Porterfield Road address. The victim was checked out by EMS and “refused to be transported to the hospital.”

During the investigation, the man who said he saw the truck speed by but didn’t see anyone shoot the pickup was “detained for disorderly conduct after being warned several times to stop cursing and screaming.” A witness saw the man “fire a .22 rifle at the victim’s truck,” then go inside his house. The man ultimately said was the shooter, not someone else deputies initially detained.

Criminal trespass: A woman who lives on Plantation Way in Richmond Hill woman reported June 15 that “neighborhood children have been coming on her vacant lot to play. (She) stated she placed a rope across the driveway and ‘no trespassing’ signs but the juveniles tear them down.”

The woman asked for extra patrols and said she’s worried the kids will get hurt on her property.

“(She) was advised to put signs higher up and rope off the area,” the report said.

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