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BCSO blotter: Man threatens store clerk with fire extinguisher
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From Bryan County Sheriff ’s Office incident reports. 

Simple battery: Deputies were sent to the Highway 280 Love’s Truck Stop around 1:30 p.m. July 9 regarding a 45-year-old man who’d been dropped off at the truck stop by Pooler Police. The man was apparently homeless and “trying to make it to Statesboro and/ or Atlanta.” The man also at some point “pointed a fire extinguisher at one of the clerks inside the store and was being very disruptive,” the report said, though he was “originally not disruptive but as time went on began being very irate” toward customers and employers.

The manager told deputies the man pulled the fire extinguisher off the wall and pointed it at one of the employees “as if he was attempting to shoot him with it,” and when confronted “began using vulgar language towards (employees)” and then “reached up and snatched (the manager’s) name tag off his shirt.” That’s when the manager called BCSO to get the man off the property.

The man told deputies he didn’t like the way he was being treated, “causing him to act in the manger he did.” He was arrested.

Harassing communications: A Richmond Hill man reported July 9 that “he has had ongoing harassment from his neighbor … who repeatedly calls, revs his vehicle in front of his house and squares up/yells at him in public.” The complainant also said the neighbor, a teen, “came to his house and performed donuts,” but “was unable to provide an pictures and or videos of (the neighbor) in the act of doing the donuts. (A witness) stated it was ongoing and she sees (the neighbor) do it daily.”

The deputy talked to the neighbor, “who stated he does rev his vehicle when passing (the complainant), but only when (the complainant) does it to him.” The man denied doing donuts, and a witness told the deputy the complainant “revs his vehicle at them daily as well as calls them names, etc.”

The two parties agreed to “stop and go in the opposite direction of each other’s residence,” and were also told how to take out protective orders if they felt their lives were in danger.

Matter of record: An Ellabell man reported July 9 his ex-wife took his .22 rifle and shot a dog with it. The man told deputies the rifle was a gift to his wife but wanted a report made “just to show he is not in possession of the firearm as he does not want anything coming back to him due to his exwife shooting a dog.”

Damage to property: A South Bryan man reported July 9 his girlfriend “at the time” came over on July 7, drank a lot, wanted to argue and “began to throw items around the property, such as a small remote.”

The woman also “kicked over a crab pot on the porch, broke her grandmother’s vase and then picked up a flashlight and threw it at (the complainant’s) vehicle, which was parked in the backyard.

The man said he locked himself in the house to “separate himself from the situation,” and the woman “went over to his boat that was parked in the driveway and threw several coffee cups in it, once of which broke as a result.”

The man said he broke up with the woman, who came the next day to get her property “without incident.” He said he wanted to document the episode in case there were further problems.

More reports: 

July 9

Expired registration, no insurance: A deputy on patrol around 1 a.m. on Highway 204 pulled over a Cadillac Escalade without a license plate. The owner said he lost his title. There wasn’t insurance on the vehicle either.

Animal complaint: A Fort McAllister Road man said his dog was attacked by another dog and he pulled his gun on the dog, so it ran away.

Illegal dumping: An Ellabell man reported someone dumped approximately 20 used car tires onto his property. He said he’d take the tires to the dump but asked that a report be made.

Matter of record: A Richmond Hill woman reported her son was riding his bike home from the Tivoli River when a young driver in a van ran the kid off the road. He had scratches and bruises but was otherwise unhurt. The mother wanted a report.

Lost mislaid property: A Richmond Hill real estate agent reported she found more than 150 pornographic CDs in the home of a man who’d reportedly gone to federal prison. The items were taken and logged into evidence and a detective was notified.

Damage to property: A woman reported her Audi was damaged by a tire which came off a boat trailer as it passed her on Highway 144. The driver of the pickup towing the boat said “he believed the left wheel hub failed in the trailer, which resuled in the tire disconnecting from the trailer and striking (the woman’s) vehicle.”

Criminal trespass: An Ellabell woman reported someone slashed three tires on her vehicle.

Disorderly conduct: Deputies were sent to a Highway 280 address regarding a dispute between neighbors.

July 10 

DUI, other traffic offenses: A driver stopped around 3 a.m. on Highway 17 because her vehicle “failed to maintain lane” and had a rear bumper hanging off turned out to be stoned and had pot in the car. She failed a sobriety test and was arrested, and her car was towed.

Lost or mislaid property: A South Bryan woman reported the temporary tag on her vehicle was stolen.

Matter of record: A log truck turned over on Highway 80. There were no injuries.

Damage to property: A woman reported she was driving north on Highway 17 around 6 a.m. when she ran over something in the road and it damaged her vehicle. She said other drivers also hit the thing. See next blotter item.

Matter of record: A deputy reported he was sent to Highway 17 around 6:58 a.m. for a damage to property report and found a big driveshaft from the road which was later found to belong to a semi. At least four vehicles were damaged by hitting it.

Matter of record: A South Bryan man reported checks he ordered were stolen on their way to his address. He said $7,923 in checks were cashed.

Damage to property: A Richmond Hill woman reported on Friday “she felt forced to remove a camera she had placed on her fencing because she suspected her neighbor was going to damage it in revenge of their ongoing argument,” and on Monday she found her fence damaged or cut in several locations. She was told to get photos of the damage and how to get a copy of the report.

Damage to property: Three drivers reported flat tires from driving on I-16 near exit 143. There were no injuries.

Damage to property: A tractor trailer caught on fire on I-16 east at the Highway 280 exit ramp. The fire was put out and a tow truck was sent to get the tractor trailer.

July 11

 Missing person: Campers at Fort McAllister reported a woman “was possibly intoxicated and had been missing for approximately 30 minutes.” After a “lengthy” search that involved a drone and a DNR boat equipped with SONAR the woman was found coming out of the woods. She said she’d got into an argument with one of the people she was camping with and went for a walk. She wasn’t intoxicated, either. A deputy stood by while she got her belongings and left in her vehicle.

Matter of record: Deputies were sent to a Richmond Hill address regarding a disagreement over the cost of laying pine straw. The wife agreed to $8 a bundle and they used 100 bundles, then reached an agreement with the husband for $500. The wife wrote a check for $500 and the men agreed to leave.

Damage to property: A man reported he was driving on Highway 280 near the Hyundai site when a truck turning into the site kicked up a rock which damaged his windshield.

Fraud: A South Bryan woman reported someone stole money from her EBT account.

Matter of record: An Ellabell man reported a man was trespassing on his property.

Older reports:

 July 7

 Terroristic threats: A man went to the South Bryan station to report his half brother in Liberty County threatened by text to kill him.

Burglary: An Ellabell man reported his brother stole his Xbox and pawned it.

DUI, speeding: A 29-year-old woman in a Taurus clocked at 93 mph south on I-95 near Highway 17 was pulled over on 17 at the Dollar General parking lot, where she was found to be both stoned and drunk. She also wasn’t wearing a seat belt and gave a false name. She was arrested.

Impeding flow of traffic, no insurance: A man pulled over for driving too slow in the left hand lane of Highway 144 didn’t have proof of insurance, either. He was given a courtesy ride, warned for driving too slow in the passing lane and given a citation for not having insurance. The vehicle was towed.

Simple assault: A man reported he was riding his lawnmower on Mack English Road when someone driving by threw a plastic bottle at him, hitting him on the shoulder. The man said he knew the person, and was told of steps to take if he felt his life was in danger.

July 8

 DUI, more: A man with a suspended license driving a pickup on a DUI permit for work and school was found to be DUI after he was pulled over shortly before 5 a.m. on Toni Branch Road. The report said he didn’t smell of alcohol. But he was arrested after failing a sobriety test and his pickup was towed, etc.

DUI: A deputy was sent around 12:29 p.m. to the intersection of highways 80 and 280 in Ellabell because a car missing a wheel was in the turning lane. The driver said she’d already called a tow truck, but the deputy noted she appeared under the influence and it looked as if she’d hit “raised pavement,” at the intersection and damaged the car. The driver admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the day and her license had been suspended.

She was arrested. The car was towed.

Criminal trespass: A deputy went to an Ellabell address regarding a dispute over property.

Harassing communications: Deputies were sent to an Ellabell address regarding threats by an unknown woman made to the complainant “to stop sleeping with the unknown person’s significant other.” The complainant said that she was told if she didn’t stop it the woman would come to her place of work and fight her, and the woman also tried to call her at her job.

The deputy told the complainant she could block the caller and was told how to get a copy of the report.

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