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American Legion Post 27 installs officers for 2024
Post 27 Officers take the oath
Post 27 Officers take the oath, from left to right; DIstrict Commander Casey Nash; Adjutant John Ellis Sr., Finance Officer Terance Herzog, Chaplain Mike Matuzsan, Vice Commander Terry Duncan, Past Adjutant David James in proxy for Vice Commander Kate Barker, Vice Commander Adam Langley, Commander Dan Awtrey. Photo provided.

The American Legion JE Lanier Post 27 of Richmond Hill held its annual installation ceremony for elected officers for the coming 2024 program year.

The ceremony also served as a change of command for the Post as Commander John H Ellis Sr stepped down as Commander; and Legionnaire Dan Awtrey was elected to replace him.

“As we begin our 25th Program year, Post 27 is growing and providing services to our community in both our long-established Children and Youth programs like Boys State and the Veterans Children Scholarship. We are beginning new ways for us to serve in our Veterans Outreach Program, like Coffee and Camaraderie at Tosa Café on the 3rd Saturday monthly, along with our Buddy Check calls and our partnership with additional nonprofits like Fight The War within,” Ellis said.

He also pointed out “The positions of all the officers in the legion are not a rank, but a servant leader duty positioned they volunteer for; and are elected to by the Post membership. While the American Legion is all volunteer, the members also volunteer in many ways in the Community like Elvis Ford who delivers Meals on Wheels three days per week, and Ray Gaster who recently raised over $38,000 dollars for the Alzheimer’s Association, or Adam Langley Cub Scout Leader for Pack 528.”

As his final act for Post 27 Commander Ellis presented Life Membership to Charter Member Ellison Lanier (Korea), whose father JE Lanier (WWI) is the namesake of Post 27. The Legionnaire of the Year Awards to Vice Commander Adam Langley (GWOT). Also a special service award to retiring Adjutant David James(GWOT) who has served as a post officer for over 20 years.

The installing officer, District Commander Casey Nash charged the new officers to “vindicate the trust that has been reposed in you, and fulfill in every way the obligations which that trust entails.

She then Welcomed Post 27 Commander Awtrey to his new duties and turned the gavel over to him.

Commander Awtrey then presented Awards to Past Adjutant David James and Past Commander Ellis on behalf of the Post 27 Members.

He also remarked “I pledge to be a servant and steward of the American Legion J.E. Lanier Post 27. I will be requesting various committees and hope that our members step up and keep our Post a Post that we all are proud of. The growth in membership and programs of the last three years have set a high bar the fact is we have an opportunity to excel before us and as a post I think we will continue to grow in the years ahead. I am honored and privileged to be at the front serving our members, veterans and our community.”

AL Post 27 to host blood drive

The American Legion JE Lanier Post 27 has partnered with The Blood Connection to host its first blood drive in Richmond Hill from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 29at the Richmond Hill Auto Care NAPA, 241 Mulberry Commercial Parkway on Hwy 17.

Post 27 will receive a $20 donation for each donor to support the Posts Non-Profit Programs. These programs include, but are not limited to, Veterans Children Scholarships, Veterans Outreach and Assistance and others. Donors will receive $50 in rewards and can make an appointment by scanning the bar code and entering Sponsor Code 9891.

Senior Vice Commander Adam Langley said “I want to thank The Blood Connection and The Richmond Hill Auto Care for allowing us to provide this community service. Blood is always in short supply and with the summer at its peak with the high travel season, and outdoor activities means more accidents and a high need. Please come help if you can.”

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