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Is your marriage dying? Bring it back to life with these 10 life-lessons from nature.
10 things you didnt know your marriage had in common with nature. - photo by Alex Phippen
Vibrant relationships are central to a happy life; and no one has a greater understanding of life than Mother Nature. She is the ultimate teacher. Much can be learned by following the same patterns that have allowed her relationships to stand the test of time.

Here are 10 lessons taught by Mother Nature that will bring life back into your dying relationship.

1. Growth is essential

Nothing in nature is stagnant. Things are always either getting stronger or weaker.

Take the time to talk to your partner about what is happening with your relationship. Is your love for one another growing or shrinking?

You may have to replant the seed that started your relationship if things start to wilt away.

2. Unforeseen challenges arise

Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides. These are just some of the regular formidable events that take place around the world. No geographical location is free of such challenges.

Likewise, no relationship isn't threatened by unforeseen challenges.

Disagreements, jealousy, misunderstandings and financial stress are some of the natural disasters that occur in relationships. However, hardships like these can actually bring you and your spouse closer together similar to how a nation unites after its people's way of life is turned upside down.

Ultimately, it's how you react to these unforeseen challenges that will either make or break the bond you have with your loved one.

3. Some things cant be controlled

A good relationship doesn't mean there is constant control over everything.

Take gardening, for example. You might plant something in the perfect topsoil, give it lots of water and ensure it has direct access to sunlight; yet, somehow it still dies.

Why is Mother Nature so cruel? This is a lesson meant to teach us that there are some things we can't control, no matter how hard we try.

4. Life goes on

When a tree falls down, the other trees around it don't stop growing to dwell on what just happened. Life goes on. The other trees continue to thrive.

The same should be true of your relationship. Don't stunt your spouse's or your growth by hanging on to faults and past mistakes. If you have to end a relationship, then do it with the knowledge that you can still thrive and find happiness afterward.

Move on and keep your eyes on the road. Don't continually look back in the rear-view mirror.

5. You can't have the low tide without the high tide

The ocean has both high and low tides throughout the day. Relationships are the same way. There are bad days, or even weeks, but there are also good ones too. This balance creates fluidity and allows a couple to learn flexibility as they patiently experience life's different emotions.

Understand that the love of your life is a living human being. They aren't always going to be in that high-tide state where everything makes sense. Avoid making waves; instead, focus on how you can cheer them up when the water gets choppy.

6. Change is the only constant

The four seasons bring significant changes to the environment. Sometimes we resent these changes because we have to start doing things differently.

But your relationship will die if you never do anything different when change occurs.

Focus on changing yourself before trying to change the one you love. Notice and provide encouragement to your spouse whenever they try to change for the better. Consider changing your perspective rather than obsessing over their behavior.

American philosopher and author, Wayne Dyer said, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

7. Different things can live together in harmony

It's amazing how many different animal species can live together in the same habitat. This is possible because different organisms support one another in various ways. Though they share the same space, each organism has its own niche or role it plays in the ecosystem.

Similarly, in a healthy relationship, each person has his or her own specific roles.

Though two people in a relationship may be vastly different, they should have at least one thing in common: THEY BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER! This means they should show mutual support and not just exist together in the same habitat.

8. Instincts ensure survival

Instincts are those primal behaviors that seem pre-programmed into us. They keep us safe and warn us of danger. They also allows us to love and care for others.

Always trust your instincts. If a relationship doesn't feel right, then get out of it. You'll thank yourself later and you'll know you can always rely on your intuition.

9. The night is darkest before the dawn

Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. The night is always darkest before the sun rises, but the sun does always rise.

Don't give up. Keep breathing. Remember there can't be a sunrise without a night to proceed it.

10. The wind isnt seen or heard; it is felt

It's been said before that if you constantly have to tell someone you love them, then something is wrong. Love needs to be felt. It needs to be felt in the small, unobvious aspects of a relationship.

Pay attention the next time you're outside. The earth around us is full of flourishing connections. We can learn from Mother Nature and use her example to bring back life back into our relationships.
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