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6 myths about female sexuality that are killing your sex life
You need to stop believing these myths that are poisoning your sex life. - photo by Melinda Fox
Maybe we're stuck in some kind of Victorian Dark Age with regards to female sexuality, but there are some untrue ideas about women and sex that refuse to die. Believing these can be damaging to your mental health and sex life.

Here are six myths society keeps hashing out that you can throw into the garbage:

1. Women want sex less than men

For some reason, the myth that men are sex-crazed and women don't like sex very much lives. However, this has been repeatedly proven untrue. Women think about sex as much as men (even more in some studies), and they like sex. You are a normal woman if you love sex and if you don't, know that you are not biologically predetermined to not like sex because of your gender; find what works for you.

2. It's the man's responsibility to make you climax

If you want to have great sex, you need to take control yourself. You can't expect your partner to know how to satisfy you. Understand your own body and communicate to your husband what you like.

3. Women don't get addicted to pornography

Pornography is as addicting as hard drugs and has just as many harmful effects on your brain. For some reason, our culture has decided that men love pornography and women are immune. However, this belief is untrue and believing it can cause harm women who are caught in the toxic trap of pornography. They may find it challenging to get the help they need. As one woman stated, "I didnt seek help for my addiction because I felt I was a freak of nature, because I was sure that I was the ONLY woman who struggled with a mans disease."

Pornography is NOT normal for men or for women.

4. We shouldn't talk about it

There's some kind of faux pas about talking about sex. While there are definitely lines you shouldn't cross because sex is something intimate between you and your partner, we should create a culture where we have healthy conversations about it. Talking more openly about sex can prevent kids from going to uneducated or inappropriate sources for information and stop cultivating a fear of the unknown.

Furthermore, there is no reason you and your husband shouldn't regularly be talking about sex. Communicate with each other what you like and what you don't like. It can be awkward but it will definitely develop your relationship both emotionally and physically. Couples who talk about sex enjoy sex more and avoid falling into a sexless marriage.

5. Being good at sex comes naturally

Many people expect sex to be great from the get-go, but it's a learned skill. You need to get to know your body and your partner's, how things work and what both you and your partner like. Because there's a learning curve, its okay if it takes a while for sex to become as amazing as everyone says it is.

6. More sex will make you happier

Many people believe a life full of sex is a happy one. For example, researchers at Carnegie Mellon expected that if couples doubled the amount of sex they were having, they would be happier. This hypothesis turned out to be untrue. Upping the amount of sex you have just to up the amount isn't going to make a change in your relationship satisfaction, or your overall happiness level. The quality of your sex, and your relationship overall, is a better indicator than how many skittles are in your jar.
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How to avoid 'sharenting' and other paparazzi parenting habits
A recent study revealed parents often spend up to two hours staging a single photo of his or her child to post online. - photo by Amy Iverson
Before having kids, some people just dont appreciate their friends baby posts. But after having a child of their own, three fourths of new parents jump right on the parental social media bandwagon. If you have become a member of this group, there are some rules to follow for posting responsibly.

Much of a parents worry is how to teach their children to use social media responsibly. We talk with our kids about privacy, oversharing, and setting restrictions on their devices to keep them safe. But parents themselves need to look in the digital mirror once in a while. Before having children, it doesnt take as much effort to think about what to post online. Its up to us to decide what we share about our own lives. But once you become a parent, there are many questions to think about regarding what is appropriate to post about your kids on social media.

In a recent survey, kids clothing subscription company Mac and Mia surveyed 2000 new parents to find out how they are documenting their kids lives on social media, and what concerns they may have.

First of all, people without children seem to feel a bit differently about the onslaught of baby pictures online than those who are parents. 18 percent of people say before they had kids, they were annoyed by their friends baby posts. But after having children of their own, 73 percent admit they post progress pictures of their little ones every single month.

Not only are new parents letting the world know each time their baby is a month older, but they are posting about their kids every few days or so. Men and women report they post 6-7 times per month about their baby.

And while 70 percent of new parents say the benefit of using social media is how easy it is to help family and friends feel involved, there are some downsides. Here are a few tips to avoid the pitfall of becoming paparazzi parents.

Dont miss the moment

In the Mac and Mia survey, some parents admitted to spending up to two hours to get the perfect shot of their baby. That seems a little extreme. New and old parents alike should be careful about spending so much time taking pictures and videos that they dont enjoy the moment. Years ago, I decided to never live an experience through my phone. A study by Linda Henkel, a psychology professor at Fairfield University in Connecticut, found that when people took pictures of objects in an art museum, they didnt remember the objects as well as if they simply observed them.

This photo-taking impairment effect can happen to parents as well. If we are so consumed by getting the perfect photo, we can miss out on the moment all together, and our memory of it will suffer.

Dont forget about privacy

60 percent of couples say they have discussed rules and boundaries for posting their babys photos, according to the Mac and Mia survey. Even so, men are 34 percent more likely to publish baby posts on public accounts. If parents are concerned about their childrens privacy, keeping photos off of public accounts is a given.

In the Washington Post, Stacey Steinberg, a legal skills professor at the University of Florida, and Bahareh Keith, a Portland pediatrician, wrote that sharing too much information about kids online puts them at risk. They write that all that sharenting can make it easier for data thieves to target out kids for identity theft. Check that your privacy settings are where they should be and never share identifying information like full names and birth dates.

Dont be paparazzi parents

36 percent of parents say they take issue when their childs photo is posted online by someone else. Responsible social media users will always ask permission before posting a photo of another child. But parents should also think about whether their own children will take issue with their own posted photos a few years down the road.

When parents are constantly snapping pictures and throwing them on social media, it can be easy to forget to pause and make sure the post is appropriate. I always use the billboard example with my kids. I ask them to picture whatever they are posting going up on a billboard in our neighborhood. If they are okay with that, then their post is probably fine. Parents should ask themselves this same question when posting about their children. But they should also ask themselves if their child would be OK with this post on a billboard in 15 years. If it would cause embarrassment or humiliation, it might be best to keep it private.

Once children reach an appropriate age, parents should include them in the process of deciding what pictures are OK to post. Researchers at the University of Michigan surveyed 10- to 17-year-olds and found children believe their parents should ask permission more than parents think they should. The kids in the survey said sharing happy family moments, or accomplishments in sports, school and hobbies is fine. But when the post is negative (like when a child is disciplined) or embarrassing (think naked baby pictures or messy hair), kids say to keep it off social media.
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