“In Time,” a new science-fiction thriller in theaters now, stars Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried (“Letters to Juliet,” “Red Riding Hood”) as a mismatched pair living in a future version of our world. Like many sci-fi flicks these days, you have to accept the premise of the movie right away or you’ll be completely confused half the time.
The premise here is that death is no more. Everyone stops aging when they turn 25. Not bad circumstances, eh?
Well, the trouble is, without death, Earth’s limited resources get mighty tight. That’s why the government has imposed fancy digital clocks on everyone’s forearms.
Each person’s clock starts the day he or she turns 25. And get this, time literally is money. In fact, it’s everything. They get paid with it. They buy milk with it. A simple scan of their arms will add or deduct time from their lives. When the clock runs out, they die.
In the movie, wealthy citizens of posh cities can live forever. They take their sweet time doing everything. Meanwhile, in the ghetto, factory workers are living a day at a time and gambling away what little they have. People time out in the streets. And cops, called timekeepers, keep the unjust system running smoothly.
In fact, “Inception” actor Cillian Murphy is one very cool timekeeper. He’s a little “Matrix” and a little Dirty Harry.
The most fun aspect of the film is the fact that the entire world’s population appears to be 25. That means all the actors do, too. Wait until you get a load of Justin Timberlake’s on-screen mom.
Unfortunately, that’s what this picture is: fun. It may want to poke criticism at politics and social classes, but mostly it just turns into a pretty, action-packed, “Robin Hood” and “Bonnie and Clyde” tale that is full of plot holes.
For making a decent attempt, however, I’m a fan!
I’d be remiss not to inform my viewers that author Harlan Ellison, known for “A Boy and His Dog” and “I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream” — the same author who sued the makers of “Terminator” for stealing ideas from his “Demon with a Glass Hand” — also is suing “In Time,” suggesting that it is based upon his short story called “‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman.”
'In Time' is fun despite plot holes
Showtime with Sasha

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