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FMWR race to include physical challenges
FMWR weekly briefing for Feb. 21
Various physical challenges will be introduced in Fitness First: The Amazing Race March 12 on Fort Stewart and Hunter. - photo by Photo provided.

Registration is under way for Families In Training, a six-week program at Tominac Fitness Center that develops and maintains physical activity and fitness.
The program allows family members to exercise individually or as teams. There's no charge. Registration will close on March 28.
Tominac is in building 919 at Hunter Army Airfield.
For more information, call (912) 315-5851.

Stewart Lanes family dinner and bowling special
Families are invited to take advantage of Family Discount Night with a dinner and bowling from 6-9 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, at Stewart Lanes Bowling Center, building 450. For $25, the family can enjoy 10 games bowling, five shoe rentals, 10 tacos and five refillable sodas. For more information, call 767-4273.

Jacksonville Zoo trip
Register by March 3 for a Leisure Travel trip to the Jacksonville Zoo. Come face to face with wild animals of South America, South Africa, Australia and even Florida while visiting the park and gardens. Patrons will depart at 9 a.m. on March 5.
The cost of $20 for adults and $13 for children includes admission ticket. For more information, call 767-2841 at Stewart or (912) 315-3674 at Hunter.

Hunter Sprint Triathlon and Duathlon
Tominac Fitness Center at Hunter Army Airfield will host the Sprint Triathlon, an event that includes a duathlon competition, beginning at 11 a.m. on March 5.
The triathon will include a 300-meter pool swim, a 14.4 mile bike ride and a 3.1 mile run. The duathlon will include a one mile run, a 12.4 mile bike ride and a 3.1 mile run.
Active duty military get a 50 percent registration fee discount. Registration can be completed at, but active duty military must enter the discount code found there and present their military identification card at the event.
If received by March 1, the registration fee is $50 for active duty and $85 for all others. Day of race registration fees are $52.50 for active duty and $95 for all others
Information not available at triathlon web site can be obtained by calling 767-4316.

Community showcases
Community showcases are scheduled from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Tominac Fitness Center, building 919, on March 8, and from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. March 9 at Club Stewart, building 405.
The events let soldiers and families from Fort Stewart and Hunter learn about education and recreation opportunities Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. This is the eleventh year the events have been held.
Booths will be staffed by chambers of commerce, visitors bureaus, art clubs, cultural resources, health care and support groups.
In addition to the information available, there will be door prizes and giveaways. Admission is free.
For more information, call 767-2841 or (912) 315-3674.

BOSS skydiving
Registration continues through March 9 for the BOSS skydiving trip planned for noon-4 p. m. March 12 to the Atlanta Skydiving Farm. Participants will tandem jump from 14,000 feet.
The cost is $130 per person. An additional $100 will get your jump filmed.
For more information, call 767-9917.

Youth Action Council meeting at Stewart
Military connected youth in grades 6-12 are encouraged to attend a Youth Action Council meeting at 5 p.m. March 10 to discuss quality of life issues affecting them. Pizza will be provided after meeting.
The meeting will be in Bryan Village Youth Center, building 7338. For more information, call the School Liaison Office at 767-6533.
At the same time, parents are encouraged to attend a Parent Advisory Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m. March 10 in Bryan Village Youth Center.
Current and future activities planned for Fort Stewart youth will be discussed. Feedback and new ideas are requested from parents.
For more information, call 767-4491.

Fitness First: The Amazing Race
Soldiers and families at Fort Stewart and Hunter will climb a rock wall, knock down bowling pins, hit softballs, hit targets with a paint gun, kayak across a lake and otherwise have a ball as they compete on March 12 in Fitness First: The Amazing Race.
Families not only can leave with bragging rights, but they might win a prize. Family Readiness Groups with a minimum of 20 families competing also could win a prize.
The challenges competitors will face in the fun-filled afternoon will depend on where they are competing.
At Fort Stewart, they will advance and have their "passport" stamped as they complete the tasks of knocking three softballs into the outfield at the Sports Complex, knock down a rack of pins at Marne Lanes, make five free throws at Newman Gym, complete a Wii Fit challenge at Jordan Gym, climb the rock wall at Corkan Family Recreation Center and knock down a rack of pins at Stewart Lanes.
The race at Hunter will be no less challenging. There, families will kayak across Lake Hallstrom, hit targets with a paintball gun at the skeet range, hit a golf ball 70 yards or more three times at the Hunter Golf Club and knock down a rack of pins at Hunter Lanes.
Upon completion of the course, families will be put in for a drawing to win a new television, Wii or Wii Fit.
The Family Readiness Groups with the most families participating will win $800. To be eligible for the prize, the FRG must have a minimum of 20 Families participating.
For more information or to sign up, call 767-4316.

Girl Scout Day at Corkan
Girl Scouts who wear their uniforms will be given one free game and admission at all Corkan Family Recreation facilities all day on March 12. It is Corkan's way of joining the scouts in celebrating the anniversary of their founding. For more information, call 767-4273.

Big Lift Power Lifting Competition
Registration is under way for The Big Lift Power Lifting Competition, offering competitors the chance to compete in three lifts with others in their weight class. It will be at the Newman Fitness Center starting at 10 a.m. on March 19.
Would-be champions can register until the day of the event. The fees are $10 for early registration and $15 after March 11. For more information, call 767-3031/9336.
The BIG Power Lifting Competition will consist of three lifts; squat, bench press and dead lift. Lifters will compete for trophies in their particular weight class.

Youth trip to Cumberland Island
CYSS registered youth will travel to Cumberland Island Seashore from 6:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. March 26. The barrier island off the Georgia coast is known for its wild ponies, pristine beaches and forests, Dungeness Castle and First African Baptist Church.
The trip is designed for CYSS registered youth (grades 4-12) to learn more about their surroundings and meet friends. Registration continues through March 24.
The fee of $10 includes transportation, ferry crossing and child supervision.
Tickets can be purchased at Parent Central Services, 767-2312 on Stewart or (912) 315-5425 on Hunter. No refunds granted after March 24 and a $5 cancellation fee will be applied after March 24 or for no-shows.
Call the School Liaison Office for details. The number is 912-767-6533 at Stewart and 912-315-6586 at Hunter.

Great MWR Yard Sale
It's a good time to start cleaning up and organizing your stuff, because the Great MWR Yard Sale is coming to Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. April 16. Registration begins March 1.
The popular sale will be at homes in post housing areas at, as well as the Club Stewart and Hunter Credit Union parking lots.
Active duty, family members, retirees, National Guard and Army civilians may sell. The cost to sell is $5 per space. There is no charge for on-post housing sellers, but they must register. The public is invited to purchase items.
All sellers must sign up at the Sports Office, building 471 on Fort Stewart, or Tominac Fitness Center, building 919 at Hunter. For more information, call 767-8238 at Stewart or (912) 315-2019 at Hunter. Registration ends April 14.

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