Dr. Daniel Kiene, director of bands and 2011-12 teacher of the year at Richmond Hill High School, answers this week's questions:
1. What, to you, is perfect happiness?
Spending time with my wife Annie and my kids, playing at the beach.
2. What one material possession would you save in the event of a fire (assuming your family was safe)?
My grandfather made me a dulcimer when I was a child. It reminds me of wonderful memories with family and also how fun it is to just make simple music.
3. What's the best advice you've ever been given?
“This, too, shall pass” – advice from my mom many years ago, which still stands.
4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would be more directly assertive. I don’t like conflict, so I tend to avoid it.
5. What is your greatest fear?
Definitely the loss of family. You can replace any thing or get a new job, but you can’t replace people you love.
6. What is your greatest extravagance?
My motorcycle – it is just a toy and it is just mine. My wife and I enjoy riding, but in the end, it is just something I wanted.
7. If money weren't an object, how would you spend your time?
Anywhere on a tropical island! I love beaches and summertime. I would chase warm weather year-round.
8. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I think I am a kind person. I try to like people.
9. What trait do you most admire in another person?
Compassion and kindness.
10. What trait do you most deplore in another person?
Mean-spiritedness. There is no acceptable reason for people to just be nasty to each other.
11. Who are your favorite musicians?
Honestly, my band kids. They amaze me pretty much daily with what they accomplish and how dedicated they are to improving their craft. And Jimmy Buffet.
12. What are your favorite books?
I really enjoy Carl Hiaasen. Again, back to the tropical thing – he writes about odd happenings in Florida usually and the books take you there.
Band director answers Proust questionnaire
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