The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
When he refers to going “toward,” he implies progress or moving forward. It is so easy to “let up” or to have a “spiritual blowout” on the highways we travel in this life. When you spiritually have a flat on the highway of life, take time to stop and let the Lord “fix you up” so you can move on for Him and for His glory.
Sometimes, the way may seem hard, the nights seem long and our troubles seem many, but we must keep moving on in the things of God. There certainly is nothing to turn back to — the most important things await us.
Why can I keep moving forward in spite of difficulties, obstacles and troubles? I offer several things to you that God recently reminded me of.
Since Jesus permanently indwells every believer, there never is a moment that I am alone. He promised to never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). His presence should sweeten our spirits, stabilize our living and stimulate our growth. Thank God that standing somewhere in the shadows, we find Christ. So I keep moving forward because I’m not alone.
What a joy to know that our sins are forgiven (Ephesians 4:32). The word basically means a “pardon.” We have pardoned someone when we release or absolve them from liability to suffer punishment. Because we are born of God, we do not have to suffer the penalty for our sins — Jesus paid for them at the cross. They are both forgiven and forgotten. Why do I keep moving forward? Because my sins have been forgiven.
Could you imagine living in this world with all of its temptations and trials, void of the power of God? We can be strong in Him (Ephesians 6:10). First there must be emptiness, and then there can be the experience and expression of God’s fullness. Why do I keep moving forward? Because His spirit empowers me.
Hope in us is that which gives us a confident expectation in regard to the future. Hope looks forward to a recognition (Savior and the saints), a reaping and a rest.
So you asked why I keep move forward. Because my hope motivates me.
The Bible says there is rejoicing in the presence of God over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10). Since that is so, it indicates there is a degree of awareness in heaven about events on Earth. In heaven, they cheer us to keep on for God. The saints’ cheering me is why I keep moving forward.
Harn is the pastor of Victory Assembly of God and a member of the United Ministerial Alliance.
Why I keep moving forward
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