By the time you read this, vacation Bible school 2014 at First Baptist of Pembroke will be history. I’m already tired as I write, and I’m sure I will be fully exhausted by the end of the week.
But it will be a good tired. There is something extra special about spending a week telling children the good news of what Jesus has done for us. I always look forward to it.
I am amazed at how it comes to be. For our church, it takes more than 100 volunteers to make the week a success. From the kitchen to the parking lot, from the playground to the worship center and in every classroom in between, there are adults who give their time for the purpose of displaying and declaring the love of God.
Some even take vacation from work during this week to do all that needs to be done.
I am so grateful to see the church in action in this way. It truly is wonderful what we can do when we work together for the Lord.
And, as has been said by others, it is amazing to realize what can be done when no one is interested in who is receiving the credit. I am blessed to see the people of God come together to love and teach children every June.
But then, I am reminded of this truth: Your church needs you throughout the year, not just one week each summer. There is a place for you to serve in your church. I believe the Bible teaches that every Christian has at least one spiritual gift, and that God places within each church people with the gifts necessary for that church to do what he has called them to do.
However, there are Christians who are not using their gifts as they should. Some say they have no gifts. Others simply can’t seem to find the time to serve.
I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, but I do want to encourage you to find a place where you can serve the Lord in his church.
I am convinced that our churches will be stronger as we all do that.
Use your talents to serve God
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