Well, spring break is almost over for the students. They will be back in school Monday, and the race to the finish line will be on.
For some, the end of the school year will simply mark a time of rest and preparation for next year. But there is a group for whom this will be a life-changing year. Seniors will graduate from high school, and their lives will never be the same. Nor will life be the same for their parents.
There is something special about the senior year of high school. It marks the end of an era and serves as a launching pad for life.
Life is filled with such moments. There is birth, the first steps, the first day of school, securing a driver’s license, graduation, marriage and the birth of one’s first child. And, of course, I have left out so many more. One cannot summarize all of life in just a sentence.
Still, in so many ways, life is a flash before our eyes. The Bible calls it a vapor. I know that when we are young, it may not seem that way, but life goes by in a blur.
It seems that one day we are young, and the next we are facing the trials of aging. And in the annals of history, most of us are rather insignificant. We do not leave a major mark on the world.
And yet, what we do is significant. If I can make an impression on just a handful of individuals in the next generation, I can an impact on history.
An unknown shoe salesman led a little boy to faith in Christ. That little boy grew to be D. L. Moody, one of the great evangelists in Christian history.
Hundreds, even thousands of people heard the Gospel through his preaching, and the impact is felt even today.
I encourage the people at my church to see that they are making a difference in the world today.
Each follower of Jesus Christ is gifted in some way. We have the power and ability to impact others. Lives are changed, not just for now, but for eternity when the people of God obediently do what he has called us to do.
May I challenge you to make a difference in the world? Christ empowers you to live what Jesus called “the abundant life.” And that abundant life can be passed on to others.
May God grant to us the faith and the courage to be all that he has called and empowered us to be.
Make positive differences through Christ
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