What does it mean to have a passion for God?
I think it means that we develop a hunger and a thirst to be like our heavenly Father and to please him by following is example.
Matthew 5:6 says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled," showing that anyone who has this desire will not be disappointed.
Also it means to love God with all of our being as we are instructed in Matthew 22:37, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."
If we love him and desire to please him, it ought to show through our words and actions.
Someone questioned me the other day by saying, "How is it that people can get so excited at ball games but not at church?" If one has a passion for a sports team he or she will talk about it all the time, will watch the team play as much as humanly possible, will know everything to know about every aspect of the team, and definitely will get excited about any positive thing that happens surrounding that team.
If we have a passion for God, then we should want to be in his presence, both privately and corporately, as much as possible. We should want to talk about him everywhere we go and get to know everything about him, which means we spend time in his word.
The truth is the more time we spend with him and the more we learn about him the more we will sense his heartbeat; we will know what his passions are.
I think one of his passions is for lost people, and so this also should become ours.
So, how do we get to the place where we have a passion for God? How do we develop a hunger and thirst to be like God? How do we learn to love God with all our being? We first must surrender our life to him through his Son Jesus Christ. Then we must spend time with our heavenly Father through much prayer and study of his word. In prayer be honest with God confessing a lack of this passion and a desire for it.