Oh that man would look to see, the tragedies that continue to be.
In a world so full of disdain and disorder, people not even caring for each other.
The laws that be they carry the weight, of a sinful world so full of hate.
What is happening to mankind? For we have the blind leading the blind.
Are we all heading for the ditch? Or will something happen to cause us to switch?
Alas, I say, there is a way out. A way that will cause a full turnabout.
Text: John 15:9-11, 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
God has a way that will bring relief — for the lowest private to the highest chief.
Oh, that we would hear his voice, and since we have the freedom of choice, make the right turn and decide to go straight, for as long as we’re breathing its never too late.
He gave his only begotten Son, and that was for each and everyone.
He died on the cross and arose from the grave that every man, woman and child on this Earth would be saved.
So let’s fall on our knees as an act of submission, lift our hands to God and whatever the condition,
He will hasten to forgive and restore our place, then we can continue to run this race.
In a righteous manner now you see, for it is God through Christ who gives the victory.
Christ is risen — rejoice!
Edwards is the Pastor of Agape Christian Fellowship and a member of the United Ministerial Alliance.
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