The movie is a lot of fun and will have you laughing, but thats not what Im here to talk about. Travis Poppleton already covered that for you in his great review, which you can actually find right here. Were helpful like that.
The reason Im here is to give parents some info on what they should know before heading to the theater to get a load of Ant-Man with their families.
Like other Marvel fare, there are the typical fighting scenes in Ant-Man. However, this is likely one of the tamer entries. While Captain America: The Winter Soldier seemed more like a Sylvester Stallone movie than a Marvel adventure at times with all the bodies dropping, Ant-Man is low on death and destruction and much higher on comedy and cleverness.
The PG-13 rating is fair, given the violence. Nothing too heavy, but lets not pretend like it doesnt exist.
Marvel is usually pretty tame in this area, unless youre Tony Stark, that is. Ant-Man runs about the same line as the other Marvel flicks: some women in tight clothing and the mandatory shot of the buff-hero-with-his-shirt-off.
Other than that, theres really not much to worry about by way of sexiness. Truth be told, what you visually see is more along the lines of a PG movie, but the dialog is a different story.
I wrote in my Guardians of the Galaxy review last year that it was the most adult Marvel movie to date when it came to language and subject matter. Ant-Man is running a close second.
Ant-Man never drops the most famous four-letter word, but it does have several other choice ones peppered throughout the film. While the language is not completely abrasive or all at once, it is there.
While the sexiness isnt high, there is some talk about sex. I decided to put that information in the language section because its all-verbal.
Ant-Man is a really funny film and a lot of the language is played for comedic effect. It deserves its PG-13 rating, but I wouldnt call it borderline: It is tamer than some PG-13 flicks and harder than others.
At the end of the day, Ant-Man is on par with its counterparts and if you have no issue with your kids seeing Avengers: Age of Ultron or Guardians of the Galaxy, then you should be OK with this one.
If you thought those flicks were a bit much for your little ones, then you may want to wait before seeing this film.
Ant-Man is rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence.