THE LAND OF RINGTONES Famous composers throughout history have drawn upon their experiences and what moves them to orchestrate some of the most iconic and beautiful music we've ever heard.
Mozart's "The Magic Flute" was heavily influenced by his association with the Freemasons and Beethoven composed "Ode to Joy" based on the poem of the same name that resonated with him.
So what do musicians of today draw from to spark creative inspiration? Ring tones. Well, at least that's what Tony Ann drew from.
In this video Ann takes familiar ring tones that have become an everyday part of our lives and turned them into a really beautiful piano piece that will put a smile on your face. I'm not sure "Famous Cellphone Ring Tones Played on the Piano" is to a "The Magic Flute" or "Ode to Joy" level just yet, but it's really beautiful all the same.
Thanks for the piece, Tony, we love it.