The following students at Richmond Hill Middle School were named to the principal’s honor roll for the fourth nine-week grading period of the 2010-11 school year:
Sixth grade
William Cody Barnes, Claire Bentley, Madison Blanton, Alecia Breen, Alexandra Bryant, Braden Chapan, Greyson Cook, Joshua Cowart, Sara DeMello, John Wesley Daniel, Lizzie Dobson, Payton Douglas, Christina Dukehart, Nia Dunn, Calina Eljam, Gabby Fortson, Zach Fortson, Virginia Fountain, Catharine Galluzzo, Kip Gibson, Xzavior Goeman, Elizabeth Graves, Gracie Hamilton, Jaime Harkness, Victoria Hatchett, Ansley Johnson, Arika Johnson, Jon Kodak, Josh Kong, Maddie Kornegay, Katherine Landers, Sophia Landry, Jacqueline Lea and Marisa Legas.
Also, Zoe Mabrey, Riley McCarthy, William McGrath, Ethan Melton, Joanie Moore, Nyia Morrise, Mason Murphy, Lynn Nguyen, Robert Olmr, Brandon Olson, Makinley Pack, Alexis Payne, Keira Petermann, Cameron Pipes, Stephen Puhalla, Nathan Redman, James Reynolds and John Roberts.
Also, Nicholas Schell, Savannah Schell, Spencer Schiffman, Justin Schofield, Christopher Sewell, Nicholas Shimalla, Dawson Shores, Gally Smith, Devon Spiva, Alea Stein, Julianna Thornton, Kristen Tucker, Dana Van Der Heyden, Armando VegaColon, Zeb Walizer, Avery Waters, Rebekah Wilder, Mark Wilson, Dawson Winters, Alexandria Wood and ChingHung Yang.
Seventh grade
Katie Barnes, Kelly Bausum, Allison Benson, Chesney Bromm, Desmond Brown, Nia Brunskill, Jacquelyn Buelow, Cory Burbage, Chase Burmester, Anna Cabrera, Ashley Callahan, Leslie Carson, Megan Carter, Chad Castle, Nikolas Clark, Warren Collins, Maddison Cook, Jordan Davidson, Matthew DeMond, Tianna Donaldson, Ryan Donna, Noah Eastwood, Abby Eichhorn, Kalan Eppley, John Etzle, Mauricio Farinacci, Ashlyn Fesperman, Michael Flaherty, Josephine Folino, Garrett Franzel and Sarah Furlong.
Also, Bailey George, Connor Glasgow, Zachary Glasscock, Nicholas Guden, Brandon Guisinger, Jordyn Gulle, Zachary Haines, Matthew Hammesfahr, Will Hammesfahr, Rachel Hammesfahr, Kerri Hardy,Benjamin Hulsey, Morgan Hunter, Nicholas Jacobsen, Angelica Jenkins, Sarah Jones, Josh Jordan, Allison Keeney, Brianna Kelly, Jennifer Landers, Maria Longoria, Lindsey Longoria, Kyle Luigs, Nicholas Lynes, Alanna McMahan, Huntyr Menezes, Raven Mitchell, Julia Nickolson, Luana Oliveira and Allston Oxenrider.
Also, DaMarcus Patterson, Teresa Pham, Cassidy Rahn, Bailea Rawlings, Amber Reagan, Alexis Reilly, Dylan Rice, Ashlyn Richter, William Robbins, Shane Rowand, Coby Royal, James Rymer, Nikki Salazar, Erin Scooler, Rachel Shepherd, Corrina Shimalla, Amanda Siskey, Miranda Smith, Haley Smith, Nikolas Stamper, Samantha Taylor, Tyler Thompkins, Veronica Thompson, Madison Vargas, Will Wallace, Jimmy Ward, Bailey Welser, Diana Wilson, Jeremy Word, Amanda Worden, Alex Wulforst, Anthony Yarborough, Kevin Zhu and Mikayla Zopfi.
Eighth grade
Mateo Aguayo, Abigail Anderson, Zachary Balcomb, Jacqueline Baublitz, Anna Beardsley, Zachary Bennett, Alexander Bensman, Andrew Bi, Rachel Bickes, Caleb Branham, Aaron Braswell, Zachary Bynum, Kyle Caleca, Blaine Chapman, Kaleigh Coon, Matthew Cruz, Brennan Daniel, Joseph Davis, Samantha Diaz, Madeline Donna, Robert Freeman, Nadia Gaines, Cecelia Giangacomo, Chloe Giorgianni, Suzanne Gizzi, Sarah Godfrey and Kaitlyn Grant.
Also, Ryann Hall, Claire Halliburton, Mary Anne Harper, Brooke Haws, Hannah Henderson, Hans Hilsabeck, Emily Hollowell, Kyle Houtkooper, Fabria JnoBaptiste, Briana Linton, Wyatt Liptak, Jacob Mabrey, Maximilian Makhinson, Kristen Marshall, Mackenzee McCauley, Ashley McGowan, Prabhjot Minhas, Danielle Mullis, Theresa Nguyen, Kinam Park, Kevin Patrick, Robert Pecenka, Anderson Peguero and Cheyenne Prescott.
Also, Jordan Ruff, Courtney Schwartz, Ashley Scott, Shirley Senefeld, Connor Smedley, Landon Smoak, Tamara Snyder, Melanie Soria, Ashley Spyers, Quinn Stubblefield, Emily Sullivan, Desiree Tucker, Ashley Underwood, Elizabeth Wallace, Audra Warren, Derek Watson, Bristin Whitley, Kyle Whyte, Dwight Winters and Danielle Zoufal.
Richmond Hill Middle School principal's honor roll
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